the nun flew out the window.great image to begin Saturday with!
Thank you so much for your kind words Moon, Bean, Hop, Laura , P.
I guess this is really positive even though it feels so uncomfortable: I am 'sitting with my feelings' and working and parenting and this week I did a painting ( a bad painting, but I enjoyed doing it! )
It feels bad- on and off- but I am not responding by doing anything bad, which for me is usually self-destructive or a cycle of agitation.
In fact I haven't even needed meds, I'm even sleeping 6 hours a night- you're right Moon, very important is sleep pattern.
So although I'm not where I feel I need to be, I suppose I have to be able to cope with all this in order to get into the relationship I want?
I mean, it's a risk isn't it a new relationship, and I'm probably going to have to be vulnerable a few times before I find the special person y'all are talking about, and certainly vulnerable to let them love me.
And discerning and holding back and not filling the gaps in the relationship with me or my imagination...
One thing I have done practically this week is seek out people who want to be around me, and spent some quality time with them.
Something I read about tuning out healthy relationships and focussing on negative ones resonated last week. I need to be more appreciative and reciprocal myself with those people who give to me who are good strong people themselves.
Really glad you found this lovely relationship Laura, good friends are worth their weight in gold!
I read earlier
A true friend is someone who thinks that you are a good egg even though he knows that you are slightly cracked.Well I certainly showed that to my friends in recent years and months....
Laughter is a precious vibrant thing- whenever I am in pain I always seek after humour and let the self-love in it send out its wonderful ripples....