Hi all
I was wondering if any followers of Jesus here, might be interested in a dream interpretation group I'm in. If so, please let me know. I had a really peculiar dream this morning that really caused me to feel a wound that was familiar to N'ism in my life:
Finally we were ready to leave, so we went toward wherever we were going, and, the next thing I knew, we were sitting on the edge of this deep drainage thingy. There were windows where some people could stand and look out, but then there were some people sitting on the edge of the thing, and it was full of water to the top, right where our feet were hanging.
I noticed that a distant cousin of mine was there with me and playing around, standing up, like she would jump in. Finally, she jumped!!! She never came up. As she was under the water, I was screaming, "Somebody PLEASE HELP HER! SHE IS GOING TO DROWN!" People just sort of stared while we helplessly watched the girl drown in the murky, dark water.
Finally, the water drained all the way to the bottom, and I was in this scene, clinging to the side of the rock, dangling over the empty drainage thing. I looked down and saw the drain and was thinking, "what if Lisa got swept away into wherever that water goes." Then, I realized that I was hanging many feet up from the drain too, and I called for my husband,
who was standing looking out the windows of the wall behind us. I said "Help me!" He just stared. I asked "Don't you see that I might fall and die? Don't you care?" He continued to stare. Then, I summoned all my strength and got myself back up on the wall and, crying over losing my cousin that nobody seemed to care about, I left.
I am guessing this first part of the dream, dealt with the helplessness I often feel as I watch people "drown" while nobody does anything. I have often been in situations where a child was being abused, and I will report it, but the other people act as though nothing is goin on around them out of the ordinary.
The dream was very revelatory for me, in that it showed me WHY it matters so much to help the helpless...because at some point, I might BE that person who is in a bad place in my life, and I do not want a deaf ear turned toward me.