Author Topic: This community this place  (Read 1368 times)


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This community this place
« on: October 17, 2006, 02:20:51 PM »
Hey All ,

I just have an overwhelming feeling of gratitude for this board a real place of healing and helping each other.

This place is such a good model for how commpassion is up and operating for each of us.

No matter where we think we are "in the process"

Just wanted to say I have seen such beauty here the best of being human.

We speak of suffering we speak with honesty.

Its a good thing    :D


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Re: This community this place
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2006, 02:30:42 PM »
Moon, it sure is a good thing.  I don't know what I would do without this place.  It has made a huge difference in my life.

"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: This community this place
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2006, 03:06:27 PM »
I just want to say this attitude is not bipolar mania  my moods  have evened out. :D

Talking about bipolar this is the safest place I have experienced (except for Mr moon and when he found out he researched it like mad )
Tee Hee like mad I cracked myself up  :lol:

I will tell you the truth when I found out I was bipolar I thought I would never paint again .I thought I could not trust my thinking very very scary.
I thought the medicine would take my personality away. :shock:

None of those things happened and the after taking the meds and understanding more and more I came here.
My psychiatrist told me "moon you are not crazy you just get a little frighted sometimes" In her Austrian accent. 8)



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Re: This community this place
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2006, 05:00:03 PM »
Hi Moon

it is hard talking about bipolar- it's an illness which affects everyone differently for one thing, and what helps one person will mess up another.

I don't tell people in general who talk to me about it that I don't use meds, I wouldn't want someone to be encouraged to drop their meds and be sick.

When I did drop meds I did it under a psych supervision, and they were very sceptical, but willing to monitor.

It works for me only if I am incredibly disciplined and focused even about hormones and food, and is like walking a knife edge, my last psych doctor said 'but you don't have to walk that edge' but I want to, it works for me. When it doesn't I go back on seroquel and damp the mania.

Tell us about your paintings Moon!!

« Last Edit: October 17, 2006, 05:03:03 PM by WRITE »


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Re: This community this place
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2006, 05:52:57 PM »
Write ,

If I tell you is this nish?
I like to draw and paint faces the most and angels and fairies because I really love to paint wings painting wings I even like writing it.
I also love to paint animals but it is the kind of stuff like what Beatrix Potter painted.I love to paint women.
And only once did I draw a lady in distress with a snake lower body and huge bat wings.

I have no judgment on taking meds Write I understand very well that edge .............
Really I do not care what others would think or say but I have been stung by hurtful people.
I am not surprised or feel shame about being bipolar its just something I got to live with.

So what else do I like to paint women mostly from my dreams  that has some important meaning in my dream life .
We are always awake even when we sleep.I love the Pre Raphaelites and Matisse and Chagall .

Write I never took Seroquel but the people I have talked to that did they didn't like it either.


« Last Edit: October 17, 2006, 10:59:37 PM by moonlight »


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Re: This community this place
« Reply #5 on: October 17, 2006, 06:41:39 PM »
sounds wonderful and I am so glad you didn't lose that creativity- you must have your meds ( and life ) in balance.

Much love to you too.


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Re: This community this place
« Reply #6 on: October 17, 2006, 11:43:46 PM »
Yes Moon, I know that feeling!
For me it went from raw need and desperation, to abject gratitude and humility, to fear about being so needful of the board, to panic at the thought that it could go away somehow, to guilt at accepting something so priceless that I could not repay.    All I could say in the end was thank you to all of you and to Dr. Grossman.
Thanks Moon for sharing your art vision.   If that is N-ish, we will have tot hink of another word for all those Ns in our lives (mega-N?  Super-N?  Hyper N?   These are not string enough!)