today I was thinking it is maybe not strange that I have had many problems around my throat these past few months ( years ) - thyroid, tonsillitis, tonsil stones, reflux and now laryngitis.
I do believe there is a relationship between emotion and body- though I don't quite think some of the stuff I read exactly 'fits' either. Anyway I started reading around, hoping to find some clue to my current lost voice.
I found this: Location: Base of the throat
Color: Sky blue
Parts of the body: This chakra controls the throat and the neck, and the arms and the hands. It is associated with the brachial or cervical plexus.
Sense: Sense of Hearing
Endocrine Gland: Thyroid Gland
Consciousness: The aspects of expressing and receiving. Expressing can be in the form of communicating what one wants and what one feels, or it can be an artistic expression, as an artist painting, a dancer dancing, a musician playing music, using a form for expressing and bringing to the outside what was within. Expressing is related to receiving, as in "Ask, and ye shall receive."
This chakra is associated with listening to one's intuition, which guides one in an optimal flow, in which one sees one's goals manifest, and it seems that the Universe provides all their needs with no effort on their part at all. It's a state of Grace. Abundance, therefore, is associated with this chakra, as is the aspect of unconditional receiving necessary to accept the abundance of the Universe.
This is the first level of consciousness in which one perceives directly another level of Intelligence, and experiences one's interaction with this other Intelligence.
Metaphysically, this chakra is related to creativity, creating, manifesting in the physical world the fulfillment of one's goals.
Element: Ether, as the crossover between the physical world and the world of Spirit. On the physical level, it corresponds to deep space as the most subtle physical element. From the point of view of the Spiritual, it represents the matrix on which physical reality manifests.
Metaphorically, it represents a person's relationship with their space, the movie that is playing around them.
This is so interesting- I have wanted to wear sky blue a lot lately ( am wearing it now ) and I have been asking for help to reach my goals, and trying to trust in the abundance of grace.
My singing speaking voice is essential for my business and income and creative outlet. But for weeks I've had this voice in my head: let go, stop trying to control things. Today I finally cancelled a week's engagements and immediately some of the tension in my throat left me.
It's like I've had a lump in my throat and been close to tears for weeks. When a child was injured when I dropped my son at baseball yesterday I could feel tears welling dispropportionate to the event....
I also found this about throat chakra:
Purpose: Separation
Yin / Feminine / Positive: Joy. Ability to let go of old patterns and situations
Yang / Masculine / Neutralizing: Sadness. Sad about previous break-ups or future ones.
* In times of sadness, it stops working.
On another page I found:
Holding tension in the Throat Chakra is often due to lack of support in the early years regarding self-expression and freedom of speech. With a healed and healthy Throat Chakra, one’s words are kind, thoughtful, clear, and truthful. The voice is strong and alive with many tones of expression. Usually there is ease with writing, speaking, and sharing thoughts with others. A healthy Throat Chakra cannot sustain lies, coercion, or manipulation.
Through the Throat Chakra one may speak long-held truths of past hurts and, in the process, find much inner peace and a sense of personal freedom. In this way, the throat is a gateway between the mind and body.
I am the messenger.
I speak the sweet whispers of the heart.
I sing my song.
I speak my truth with clarity and courage.
I am the essence of sound vibration.
I spoke the affirmations clearly and the hoarseness was less- I really think this is more tension in the vocal chords than inflammation or infection.
Hop's soup removed any residual feeling ill, though I did develop a headache until I cancelled all the work?
Another page said:
When we clear our throat chakras and learn how to communicate clearly with empathy and love, we do the greatest healing for ourselves individually. When communication is unclear, we experience our greatest pain. But healing communication radiates out and benefits our entire planet. We all need to be heard, feel understood, receive empathy and have our needs met. When we lack avenues to clear our internal pain, our inner struggles can create external wars that can be projected out onto others and effect everyone around us.
As we support each other at our throat chakras, we learn how to talk straight with love. We clearly state our emotions, needs and make specific requests of our lovers. We learn how to especially express affection, love and our desires. We tactfully tell our truth or when appropriate, remain lovingly silent. We communicate honestly, are authentic and real. We sing our true song proudly and encourage others' to do so as well.
I think as part of this week's new self-care programme I am going to fill up on fruits and home made veggie soups, but have a few treats, find some way to unleash this sadness in my throat- I can't seem to cry. I was trying too hard to be strong and firm and I've blocked my own flow of emotions! And I am going to rediscover yoga, meditation is so soothing.
'Tis a bird I love, with its brooding note, And the trembling throb in its mottled throat; There's a human look in its swelling breast, And the gentle curve of its lowly crest; And I often stop with the fear I feel - He runs so close to the rapid wheel.
( Nathanial Parker Willis )