Since I stopped speaking with my Nparents several months ago, it seems like my Nmom has gone on a mission to bad mouth me to our extended family. There are moments when I'm indifferent to the whole lot of them, but every so often I get really upset - especially with an upcoming family event.
My cousin is getting married in a couple of weeks. We're fairly close in age and we've always got along just fine. Because of my Ngrandma (my mom's mom) and other Npersonalities in the family - namely my mother, the dynamic in that part of the family ranges from constant get-togethers to complete silence for years at a time. While this has impacted my relationship with my cousins while we were growing up, none of us have any problems with each other. In recent years, I've been very friendly with this particular cousin and have sent birthdays gifts, cards and whatnot. We last spoke several months back when she asked for my new address for her wedding invitation list.
My husband and I haven't been invited to the wedding. I wasn't invited to the shower either. I think what may have happened is that my mom has interfered the same way her mom did when my uncle (mom's brother) got married several years back. Grandma made such a big stink over who should and shouldn't be there that my uncle caved in and did what she wanted. Yet after all that, grandma didn't show up. She couldn't stand the idea of not being the center of attention at her son's wedding.
My mom has a classic N tendency to drop one person for another to get the supply she needs. I know that she's been very clingy with her sister - the mother of the cousin who's getting married - so I'm pretty certain that poison has been spread around, ultimately resulting in me not being invited to any family event. Even though I expect better from my aunts and uncles, I think that based on their experiences with their own Nmother, they're just complying my mom's demands since they've learned to simply put up instead of challenge people like her. Unfortunately, that doesn't take away my own hurt.
I know that I'll be running into my family sooner or later, we live in the same city and another aunt works down the street from my office. I don't know how to handle things when I do run into them. I'm not into pretending anymore that there's nothing wrong, but I also don't want anyone to know this has hurt me since the last thing I want is for my mom to have that satisfaction. And Lord knows that if I were to see my mom by chance after the wedding, she'll say, "Why didn't you come? You embarrased us by not showing up. You think you're too good us now?" I think my only defense with her is to just say hello, tell her I'm off somewhere and go - not giving her the chance to say anything. But the rest of them, I'm not sure.
Hubby says he's willing to bet the farm that my aunt gave my mom my invitation to pass on to me and she threw it out and made up some lie, like I couldn't be bothered to show up. It's exactly what happened with my grandma and a few of the guests that didn't make it to my uncle's wedding. She admitted to throwing out the invites after the fact - after she insisted on delivering them personally - saying he was wasting his money on those people. Maybe it's wishful thinking on my end, hoping that I haven't had my name so horribly dragged through the mud that they think so poorly of me.
You can tell that I still have issues of what people think of me and letting that get to me.
But again, I thought for certain I'd hear from my cousin directly. I haven't and I'm very, very hurt.
Thanks for letting me vent,