You know how if you're any kind of reader - you've got a handful of books you won't part with - they've changed your life?
Well, this is one of them for me.
I literally have underlined and underscored and notated so many things in the this book. I also filled a small notebook with my own notes. It's an incredibly eye-opening book. I had to deal with an N in my life who had a problem with anger management, so perhaps that's why it was so fascinating for me.
Don't let the textbook feel or the dalai lama/buddhist influence deter you from reading this book. The buddhist influence is simply informational and fascinating and you come to truly appreciate the human "respect" that the Dalai Lama has for every single creature.
If you ever felt the need to control yourself better in conflict situations, this book will do wonders for you. Or if you are on the other side, and wish that someone else did a better job, it will help you understand why they are not/cannot.
The book, "Emotional Intelligence" by Daniel Goleman is an obvious next choice after reading this.