Ten years of friendship undone by one statement of pain, caused by the other person. Funny old world, isn't it? Which is why I need this thread today, to help me to remain sane in the face of this kind of stuff.
maybe not undone. If you have bipolar 1 you become an expert at patching up relationships, can you get past this emotional exchange?
Now wondering, if he withdrew his friendship, how exactly would I tell the difference?
sometimes a friendship has just gone stale, sometimes it dies....it's nice to be on good terms with everyone but if it doesn't feel reciprocal it hurts after a while. Only you know if you're holding onto something that doesn't work for you or if it is worth keeping. Sometimes old friendships where there's nostalgia etc it's hard to tell though!
Here's a great big hug for you (((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((())))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))
It's hard when someone can't hear you.
The irony of typing that is that my ex just attacked me saying I don't hear him. Sometimes I wonder if I really have computer privacy and he looks at what I'm doing, he set up all this network and is still the administrator....not that I care, I have nothing to hide and don't write anything I wouldn't say to him....and his undermining makes me paranoid enough.
We're having a party and trying to be nice I have invited everyone- him, the street kids, all my friends, his friends, crush guy ( who hasn't said whether he will come or if he'll bring a date ) Anyway ex has focused in on crush guy, and decided that he broke up our relationship ( I didn't even know this guy until 18 months after we separated! ) All the N came out anyway and he said he'll be mean to him and 'assert his superiority' since he's the reason for his pain.
Now I know my ex, and he'll go away, work out how unreasonable he's being, and calm down; that's why I talked to him a week in advance really.
But it is quite a slap in the face to have tried so hard to do right with him and see just how intractable his behaviour is.
He really does not care about me, can't care. He has no love for me, no way of taking care of my feelings.
He said I always prioritise myself, I don't hear him and I am only rushing my divorce to be with other guys. I don't know anyone who has taken this long over a divorce! It's so unreasonable of him it's laughable.
I've been detaching by degrees for a while, but today was the first time I realised there will be no more corporate occasions, and I am not going to share my experiences or feelings with him from now.
It's not helping him, and it's too painful for me.
I thought my libido was dead in the water, but I just saw my "first love" for two hours yesterday, and I can tell I still have desire. It's just been snuffed and buried. He is married, we were just having coffee as old friends, and I wouldn't encourage or consider anything else. But I remembered in a surge what it was like, so many years ago, to love someone with my whole heart and whole body. I really have never loved anyone like that since. And I still felt the attraction after 38 years!!!!!!!!
(Didn't help that he told me he thinks about me a lot.) But we were very proper, despite the memories.
wow, it's neat some attraction woke you up Hops, though I am glad you were proper given he is married, affairs don't feel right.
Probably helps that you've been getting the rest you need and are more relaxed away from work too.
Will you have to work not to let this turn into a 'fantasy relationship' given what you've said, or is that something you are over doing? I'm not quite sure about this fusion concept, I'll have to look it up.
Now if I could only meet someone other than Unitarian geezers!
hah! My ex came to church with me once and remarked 'distinct lack of testosterone around here!'
Write - you're so very brave, and I'm glad you aren't forcing yourself to go through this unsupported in realspace -
Maybe I'm stubborn! And I'm sure when my ex becomes unpleasant & cuts me off I'll feel like I've been stupid for a while, but I have done my best, I really have. I'm tired now though.
It's interesting, my ex didn't approve of me seeing the therapist. He said I was wasting money.
He's stalling on the divorce, I know he'll be a pain the next few weeks until it's done. Maybe talking to him today i was just anticipating ( even precipitating ) that. Anyway it reinforced calling her was the right thing.
I couldn't cry despite his stinging words, it's not worth crying any more over. I've cried so many tears he'll never even know whilst he's been switching his emotions on and off.
I do wonder how all this is going to affect my son long-term though, my ex was spoiling for this fight ever since I told him i was going ahead with filing....he said 'daddy's mean' this morning and then he can't explain, but I know exactly, that bombastic sneering that comes out whenever he's conflicted.
Going to go out to the cinema with friends now, let's salvage the rest of the evening!
What's everyone else doing? ( I realise the folks in the UK are probably headed to bed! )