I see what you're saying P and you're doing a good job of it.
It only shows how easy it is to misinterpret words, doesn't it?
(my misinterpretation, I mean).
To me, if a person can think, then they are "capable" of making choices.
Even those with very little brain function, "can" make their wants and needs known, by various ways of communicating, and are thus trying to show the choice they have--to have that need met. I have cared for some with little function and seen this to be true.
Your mom, has not given you the correct messages, used the right words, done the things you needed to help you feel her love. Could she indeed love you but be unskilled, unlearned, not aware-- in displaying and communicating that love? Doesn't know how because she never learned?
Could she have the "fear" that you will repeat the mistakes she made in her life, but have no knowledge of that fear, no awareness of what she is doing because of that fear? Could her lack of interest in you be due to her complete unhappiness in herself and her feelings of total loss of how to fix that, and could she not even realize that she is not interested in you because of her own "mess"?
The thing about the word "victim" to me is that it implies we have no control over events. Does she even realize that she does have control over her own thinking and that she could make changes and decisions to improve herself, if she made up her mind to?
I am just stuck in the idea that we do have a lot more control than we give ourselves credit for, in many cases but ofcourse, not all.
I'm glad to hear you say that children love their parents unconditionally (and I wonder how easy is it for you to say - I love her)? Maybe it's really easy, I don't know how you really feel or if you express that to her.
Loving her doesn't mean accepting her inappropriate behaviour.
It just means, as you say, you have understanding and hopefully, compassion for her, that your love is unconditional from you to her.
That you love her, regardless of how she behaved. Not that you liked the way she behaved.
She is just a person, P. She probably behaved very badly in many ways toward you too and I'm not, in any way, minimizing that. But her behaviour may be a symptom, not necessarily, what's in her heart.
I hope I have not offended you in any way by relaying my thoughts on this. I certainly do not have that intention.
Hope your day is a great one! I better get cracking!!!