Author Topic: 20/20 now (10/23/06, 10 pm) is on spousal abuse  (Read 2709 times)


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20/20 now (10/23/06, 10 pm) is on spousal abuse
« on: October 27, 2006, 10:17:26 PM »
seems like an informative show...

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Re: 20/20 now (10/23/06, 10 pm) is on spousal abuse
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2006, 11:21:20 PM »
Hi Hoppy,
um, what time zone are you in?  Because isn't it at least 10.27 and possibly 10.28 everywhere on earth?  Are you Tivo-ing or something?


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Re: 20/20 now (10/23/06, 10 pm) is on spousal abuse
« Reply #2 on: October 27, 2006, 11:27:00 PM »
Hmmm. Maybe my local TV ran late or something? I was a little late tuning in to the start of the show though.
It was devastating but exciting. The first SERIOUS-TIME conviction of a batterer (who had forced his son to VIDEO him beating his wife!). The judge for the case came to tears on camera when he recalled seeing the tape, and he threw the guy in jail for 30+ years. The narrator said that was a pivotal case. The victim now testifies about her experience to police in training, warning them that a woman who may be smiling at her abuser or even hugging him when they come to the door, is doing that because she knows that if she acknowledges what's happening to her, after they leave, she's "going to get it."

I was very glad to see that show. More consciousness raising, I hope.

BTW, I'm on Eastern time. US.

So glad to be here on a Friday, and glad you are too Plucky.

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Re: 20/20 now (10/23/06, 10 pm) is on spousal abuse
« Reply #3 on: October 27, 2006, 11:32:39 PM »
Hi Hoppy,
Thanks for the summary.  On that basis, I think I'd better pass.  Anyway, since it is long past 10.23 in my universe, I am not sure how I'd manage to watch it anyway.....
a teasing


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Re: 20/20 now (10/23/06, 10 pm) is on spousal abuse
« Reply #4 on: October 28, 2006, 12:20:26 AM »
Hi Jacmac,
I wouldn't watch because it sounds very upsetting.  I don't feel like standing that right now.
I'm glad it aired and I am glad to hear about it.  That is close enough for me.


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Re: 20/20 now (10/23/06, 10 pm) is on spousal abuse
« Reply #5 on: October 28, 2006, 12:30:13 AM »
I saw the show, and while I was never a victim of spouse abuse, it touched a deep chord within over my childhood emotional abuse.  Defenseless and vulnerable, very painful to watch.  SOOOO happy the guy was stupid enough to have it on tape (i pity the child who had to run the recorder.)  And the oldest daughter is still in denial about it all--how does that bode for her future relationships with men????  Scary.

I can only hope this show gives other victims the courage to leave. 

Good job, 20/20 !!  Once again.



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Re: 20/20 now (10/23/06, 10 pm) is on spousal abuse
« Reply #6 on: October 28, 2006, 12:46:59 AM »
Glad you spared yourself, Plucky, the tape was hard to watch.
But in another way ... yesssss! Validation.
It's maddening that this culture should need it (aren't the bruised "after" photos enough)?
But it was so validating for battered women that this was shown on national TV...good show.

Jac, you're right about the boss--god bless sisterhood, that this wide-awake woman took her employee's abuse situation so to heart and insisted on knowing the truth and fought for her. We can all do that for each other as women in this world! And for any victims of abuse, male, female, old, young, in the Western world or anywhere...we can do it! (The judge was the heavyset man with a beard shown later in the story, who choked up as he was telling the interviewer why he placed such a lengthy sentence on the abuser. Loved this man.)

Hi Dragon, good to hear you. You gonna rent that dragon movie? Hope you're doing okay.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: 20/20 now (10/23/06, 10 pm) is on spousal abuse
« Reply #7 on: October 28, 2006, 06:29:09 AM »
That's true. She and the notes she made on her calendar about it that became evidence, was an active ally.
(My boss? Feh. He's sucking up to me now like crazy as I'm helping him finish the grant as a volunteer, because I technically don't have to lift a finger.)

After Nov. 1 I will no longer exist to him. Though if he needs me as a freelancer, I might.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."