Thanks to one of our wonderful members, I was able to recognize a particularly pervasive and difficult-to-admit pattern trap that I seem to still fall into.
First let me say that I am writing this to help others who may not have been able to recognize certain "under the surface" patterns. These are not attractive traits in me. But I know that in recognizing them, I am now able to begin to defeat them.
We all have bad patterns that are easy to identify: poor eating habits (eating due to stress and such); spending to make ourselves feel better; isolation... these are patterns we can easily identify.
Here are two more specific patterns I have seen in myself that I hope will give someone an example to start searching:
A while back, I had to organize an event here at work for our parent company. People were asked to participate. One of them said he would and then never showed up. When I called to remind him he was very nasty about it, when all he would have had to have done was drop me a note to say he couldn't attend and I could have replaced him. Well... I was pissed. I was polite to him on the phone, but I hung up and had this black cloud over my head. And in that cloud, I had plans to make him look bad in some way. I know his wife, his coworkers, etc. And I caught myself plotting some way to make him feel bad for being rude. And I was very proud of myself for catching that nasty thought. I stopped it there and decided to watch out for times when I get like that. I was not put on earth to bring about retribution for idiots. I am not that inportant.
Pattern # 2: I hold certain people in positions of authority. Sometimes it has to do with their actual position (i.e. as a boss, doctor, etc). Often it is because I like and respect a person. Embarrassingly, I put myself into the beta dog position in such a relationship and look for "kindness handouts." I also scrutinize to make sure I am being appreciated. Likewise, I am very quick to assume the person "will get mad at me." I fear asking my boss to take off early for an appointment, although when I have had to, he has been more than kind. I used to drive my husband insane asking, "What's wrong." when he was just quiet or relaxing. And so forth.
I hope this has helped someone. Thank you to all of you for helping me make progress every day (well most days

) and for letting me see it is possible to find love and peace.
Love, Beth