Author Topic: disaster  (Read 4441 times)


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Re: disaster
« Reply #15 on: October 29, 2006, 01:34:43 AM »
your chart looks like it means something, and I'm sure it does, but I have no clue as to how to balance anything but my checkbook!

well you have a nice sense of humour- that's a start. And some fiscal skills- I haven't properly balanced a cheque book in years!

I remember watching that one-joke Brit comedy 'Absolutely Fabulous' a while back and Edina was on a farm and there was nothing to distract her from herself- just walking and cooking and board games and hanging out with her daughter who tries to get her to play tennis or something, she said ' It's no fun! I don't know how to, it's like everyone else got their instruction manual on how to do life and I don't know what to do'. It was an unlikely source of self-revelation, but I was the same- adopting one activity or position after another, or long periods of nothing. We never had any fun in our home, and everyone was always negative and killjoy.

I know now it lead to long-term depression and trauma, and slowly but surely things have gone from going through the motions to finding more and more meaningful stuff to only doing things which feel positive and meaningful.

It's interesting for me DS, because I have bipolar 1, and the symptoms were very surpressed by the life I lead as a child, then I recreated the same envirnment as an adult! As I recovered not only did I feel better- I felt fabulous, then manic & ill. It's been quite a journey to stability.

So I do understand your fears, and especially financial insecurity can eat us away, but if I hadn't explored my spirituality i wouldn't feel like I do now that the universe will take care of me and meet my needs, which it does. And I still can't find a church which suits me, but every one I go to I meet a new person or learn something new and somehow that's enough.

Hang in there, sorry you're having a difficult time, but it's good to have you in the gang!


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Re: disaster
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2006, 02:49:59 AM »
Hi DragonSamm ,

Life has a way of coming together in ways that have outcomes we never imagined .
Dragon Samm I do hope you find the resources that you need soon.

Thank you for giving your kind thoughts of my loss of my twin brother here in the middle of your time of trouble .
Such a kind example of who you are ..........thank you again.

love to you ,


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Re: disaster
« Reply #17 on: October 29, 2006, 09:43:33 AM »
Hi again dragonnsamm,

I know exactly this life of high anxiety, of living paycheck to paycheck, of driving around with no registration and insurance cause one simply doesn't have the money...

*sigh* I know it all too well cause it defined my 20's.  In my 30's I've tried to reverse the trend.

Anyway, you are nearly 50 as you say, and are slowing down and are too tired most days to think about working two jobs to earn a living. 

Have you tapped into the temp agencies in the larger city close by where you plan to eventually move?  I'm thinking places like ManPower, Today's Staffing, etc.  These are your best bet for a good (or decent) office job.  Also, since you work through them, they push for and usually get higher wages for people.  Just cause they're temp jobs does not imply Temporary either.  Most places are looking for someone permanent, they just want to check them out first and be able to let them go easily if it doesn't suit both parties.

Here's a few links:

(Also type Temporary Agency + your city into goggle to find ones specific to where you live)

Keep venting your despair if you need to.  I have a high tolerance for listening to it (I live with me, afterall), no worries.   :)



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Re: disaster
« Reply #18 on: October 29, 2006, 10:03:20 AM »
Hi dragonsamm,

I tend to think that life has to be lived in order.  This is my suggestion:  Print out everybody's suggestions so you will have them in hard copy.  Put them in a folder for safe-keeping and keep that folder handy, because you will need it soon.  Then concentrate on getting the job you need and making sure you have a roof, and food, and clothes, and your car.  The other stuff,the soul stuff, isn't likely to happen while you lack the basics. 

Personally, I hate it that the important stuff of the soul sometimes has to wait, because that is the really transforming stuff.  I know it for a fact, and everybody here who has shared also knows that for a fact.  But physical life has to be present, and sturdy, or you won't have a soul to work on!!!  So, the income issue is pushing the other stuff a little farther down the list, for now.

Just keep in mind that this physical survival issue is temporary and it will resolve.  You will get to work on the happiness part once it is resolved.  You have this place to learn about the happiness part and digest all the information at your own pace.  When the time comes, which will be sooner than you think, then you take out your folder and pick something from it to try.  Keep coming here and talking about what you're learning, and talk about what you're trying when the time comes, and you'll eventually see how far you have come.  And that will feel pretty good.

The reason I see all that happening is that I see you are not giving up.  Not giving up is a huge decision.  It is the decision in my opinion.  Keep putting one foot in front of the other.  Take care of your needs in some kind of order.  And keep coming here.  It will line itself up properly.  It probably already has.  And don't forget to make that folder.  Put the good stuff in there for when you can work on it in earnest.

Love, Pennyplant
"We all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun."
John Lennon


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Re: disaster
« Reply #19 on: October 29, 2006, 11:35:52 PM »
Yes, Pennyplant, I've made the folder.  Thank you for the suggestion.  It does seem to help to be DOING something besides complaining!!  I've already begun to recall a few ideas I'd been offered from friends in the past.  Going to check them out and see if they are still valid.  I agree with your statement about order.  In fact, I am well-known as the person in the family who can make order out of chaos.  (I just seem to have lost my touch recently). 
Thanks again, all of you, for the hugs, the support, everything.  It really means so much to me.  This is more support than I have ever gotten from my FOO, although I have two brothers who really try these days.  The three of us have kind-of ganged up against the ways we were raised and are trying to make a difference for each other.  Just shows me that we all need all the love we can gather.
((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((to all of you))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


Gaining Strength

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Re: disaster
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2006, 05:54:08 PM »
dragonsamm - I am thinking of you daily.  I want to hear how you are today.  I am determined to be here for
you.  I really care.  - your friend - Gaining Strength


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Re: disaster
« Reply #21 on: November 05, 2006, 11:46:35 PM »
Hello, Gaining Strength

Maybe I am, too.  It's too soon to tell if this is a real step up or simply a gap in the disaster cycle.   :?
I'm feeling better, even if THINGS aren't really better.  The manager at the drug store is giving me all the hours he can (approx 10-24 per week), so I can appreciate his efforts for me.   I've applied at a couple of places in another city.  Planning to move there if I get one full time that pays even minimally enough.  I've also gotten some positive feedback from close friends lately.  That is SO helpful.
Trying to not be absolutely negative, despite the massive negativity in my life right now.
Feeling a little like I might be "coming back to life" from my year-long slump in attitude and motivation.
Thank you for your concern.  It mean a tremendous amount to me to have someone reach out to me, not simply respond to my complaints.
I need this dialogue.  Very much.
Let me know what I can give in the midst of my taking so much from all of you here.



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Re: disaster
« Reply #22 on: November 05, 2006, 11:57:12 PM »
Let me know what I can give in the midst of my taking so much from all of you here.

Hi Dragonsamm,

Here's something I believe:
When you share your struggle with someone else, you are giving.
You are giving another person the chance to stop thinking about their own lives and issues, and expand their sense of connectedness, of the way all humans are family. When you ask for help and advice, having so openly shared, you allow your listeners to be more expansive.

It is a gift to receive.

I feel grateful.


"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

standing tall

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Re: disaster
« Reply #23 on: November 08, 2006, 02:00:26 AM »
Thank you for sharing your story. You are up to your neck in alligators and you ard you are supposed to find solutions for improving your employment situation. That is a tall order for anyone.
I don't know where you live so I can't imagine the resources you could access. However, there are employment programs that help people to hook up with jobs and they can show you the options that are out there. When everything feels overwhelming it helps to look at things one little things at a time. Simplify. The idea of living close to work is a good one. Instead of an apartment,share with someone else. Just one little step at a time. Action can unfreeze you from the fear.
Can you talk a little about how you ended up in such tough straits? There is non=judgemental support here and it sounds like you need some.
Sometimes a live-in job is a temporary solution. Live in with someone with a disability. They often pay the most and can provide your own bedroom. All this can be temporary until you get on your feet again.
If you can keep telling yourself positive things inspite of the difficulties you face things can shift. The reality of poverty in our country is aweful and I sympathize with you. Don't give up. Keep writing. There are people who care and lots of the people here have good ideas and have a lot of experience overcoming adversity.

Keep talking and sharing.

Take care,


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Re: disaster
« Reply #24 on: November 09, 2006, 10:51:02 PM »
Thanks for your support.  I got into this situation when the job I had at a major financial institution was eliminated in the reorganization process.  My boss got axed as well.  The company has been slowly downsizing for a couple of years, the sudden disappearance of co-workers from their desks was not a new phenomenon.  The problem for me was that the compensation I received was inadequate to saving money.  I was there for 7 years and my hourly wage went from $8.50 to $10.02.  No lie. For 7 years overlapping that job, I also worked part-time at UPS.  My hours were 7:45a-4:30p, then 6:00-10:00p at the second job, M-F.  In that seven years I managed to get my twin girls out of High School and off to college, then their younger brother.  The money I made JUST covered it all.  In the process, I virtually missed my son growing up.  I had only weekends with him, couldn't take him to Scouts, or any other event. (Non-existent father, paying minimal child-support). After suffering an emotional/physical breakdown in the fall of 2002, I decided it was time to quit working 60 hours per week.  As my children had moved out, I had been able to find cheaper places to live.  (I lived in Fort Wayne for 10 years and had 5 addresses).  In Feb 2003 I quit UPS, I just couldn't do it anymore.  There followed bankruptcy, and my son moving in with his girlfriend to allow me to get yet another cheaper apartment.    In all those years, I spent absolutely every opportunity to seek out a better paying job.
When the job-elimination came, I decided to move back to rural Illinois (where we had lived before Fort Wayne) to be closer to friends (family in Indiana having failed me--should have expected that).  I didn't feel safe being alone in Fort Wayne anymore.  Especially without a well-paying job.  There are no benefits for anyone in that city who makes $1000 per month.  If you make less, you can't even get an apartment that isn't in the worst part of town.  I thought I should take my chances here.  Well, we can see how that has panned out.  I DO feel that being here without a job is the better of two evils, the other choice being in the city without a job or friends.
All of my adult life I have lived pay-check to pay-check, never making enough money to do better.  I have 15 years of office experience, but no one wants to pay more than Entry-level unless you know every odd software program out there.  (And have experience using it).  And entry-level doesn't pay more than $8-$9 per hour.  We're talking less than $300 per week.  ??????????????????
I have been told my smarter people than me how intelligent I am.  That feels really good, but if I can't make a decent living, what's the point????
I have an Associate's Degree plus 12 more credit hours toward a BA degree. I have not been able to choose what major I want, and now i have no opportunity to finish school if I COULD choose.
I'm getting older now, and I feel that my age is held against me.  I'm still applying everywhere, but getting few bites.
So tired of the struggle, don't seem to see many options.
The local "employment" agency is merely a clearing-house for those who qualify for Unemployment Insurance.  As far as helping one seek employment, they have a rack full of applications for every food joint in town, and a sheaf of stapled pages full of employment websites one can check out.  There is no counseling, no assistance in looking for employers seeking workers.  Pretty lame operation, that.
I'm trying to figure out how to get myself to McLean county, the Bloomington-Normal area.  I'm applying where I can, I'm signed up with a temp agency there.  Don't know what else to do.  I can't afford to actually move there until I get a better paying job.  Catch-22.
Most of my life feels like a Catch-22.
Sorry this is so long.  I appreciate the support.

Gaining Strength

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Re: disaster
« Reply #25 on: November 10, 2006, 09:13:22 AM »
Keep sharing the details.  As you put into writing things open up and ideas and images and possibilities become exposed.  This last post is very productive.  I encourage you to put out here more and more thougths like this about where you could look, what the complications are what the  possiblities are.  This process can be very, very productive.  In doing this you open your mind to all kinds of possibilities and from it connections come together that move you step by step towards something productive.

Something positive is happening.  I can see it clearly in the development of your posts.  You are opening up to possibilities and in doing so they will begin to be exposed.  Remember too that this time you are doing this in the presence of a communitee of supporters.  We will help you tract the threads that will lead you out of your labyrinth. 

Keep posting all the possiblities of where you might find work, where you might live, what you really need.  Focus on where you are going and we will help you keep your eyes on what can be.  Something has begun to heal in your heart.  Your mood is beginning to lift.  This will help in your pursuit and so will the community.

Your journey gives me hope.  I am years behind in income and property taxes with no income but some assets and have been unable to work because I am temporarily crippled by anxiety but I am incrementally moving forward.  Your progress encourages me and my opportunities to encourage you help me as well.

Focus on the positive.  Let the negative go.  Focusing on the positive will keep you going forward.  That much I know from experience.  I am right there pulling for you.  Keep posting.  You have support here - open up and let it in.  It really helps and it is real.  your friend = Gaining Strength