Just wanted to share that I think my attitude of gratitude is back.
I let go of my anxiety over whether my disability claim will be approved. It will or it won't and I'll find a solution either way. I am safe even when I tell myself I'm not. Good doors will still be opening. I am enormously grateful to have let go of the idea that I can spend 40 hours a week at a desk chair. It closes me in economically but frees me in every other way (I never had time for exercise other than frazzled short walks.)
I am very grateful for what I've learned this week on the board, and earlier. (Thanks, Jac and Storm, October, GS, Moon, Dazed, Brig...PP, RM, Portia, heck, everyone, and if I left you out that's because you were so pivotal I can't verbalize it yet!

I am hugely excited about others understanding panic-paralysis-procrastination-perfectionism, etc.
I remembered that I can get my mother to walk better through praise than nagging.
I got through HER paperwork. (Not the filing, but the bills.)
Church was wonderful. Our cominister and UU Christian Fellowship led the service together. Four speakers, talking about how important and fulfilling it has been for them to re-integrate all they have loved in the Christian faith into their UU group ministry and how good it is to be in a place that doesn't "bash". Two gay men said likewise. They shared their sorrow that the marriage amendment passed but also their faith that the arc swings toward justice and meanwhile, they've found a welcoming community.
A nice teacher invited me for coffee and we had a great rambling chat.
I got hugs. I held a baby so sturdy he was like a bowling ball. Melt. Melt. Melt.
I heard from an old love and ... ? Nothing firm. But so nice to be told, I love you.
I love Y'ALL!
Gray and drizzly, it's beautiful out. A scudding cool front (I love the sky) and bright red leaves against brick and dark trees. Color is even more precious as things go gray.
I've lost a pound or two.
I bought Mom a book on Steve Irwin for her bday and I know she'll love it. She told me, "That man always made you feel as though he was your friend."