if I hang out by men's bathrooms and take along PP's friend and weed out all the guys she's attracted to, most people under 30, most people over 50, anyone who spits...I really am narrowing the field!

I've been thinking more and more about El Crusho this week, about when we first went out and how much I liked him. Isn't it funny how that hopefulness is more than you can bear to look back and realise it wasn't meant to be? Maybe so we don't avoid future relationships like the plague!
I should type it out that Wendy Cpe poem I have quoted so often:
I can't forgive you. Even if I could,
You wouldn't pardon me for seeing through you
And yet I can't quite cure myself of love
For what I thought you were before I knew you. I'm really pretty content, so it's not loneliness. Guess I am tuning into the old pattern of someone loving me despite all the odds righting the wrongs of a rejected childhood....something like that.
Of to slap self on side of head then make big cup of hot breakfast tea with evaporated milk!