Author Topic: Long-range snyper shots....  (Read 2428 times)


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Long-range snyper shots....
« on: February 14, 2004, 01:12:30 PM »
Hello, All

Haven't been here in a while - hope you're all well.

DH recently went abroad on business and stopped in for a few days to see my NMom and meet her latest husband for the 1st time.  Boy, oh, boy, it sure didn't take long for her to snyper me.  Never mind she hasn't seen her son-in-law for 6+ years and trying to enjoy this very short visit by keeping it pleasant for everyone.  Per hubby, her comments were:

"The whole family is afraid of her (me) - you just can't predict if your head will get bitten off"
"I just don't know who she is anymore - last time I really had a conversation with her was when she was 18 (12 years ago).
"Tell, me, how do you put up with her?!

It's taken a week and I've just realized I'm annoyed.  Never once has anyone in my family stated they are afraid of me - they all continue to solicit contact with me, which totally negates her argument!  (Nice try, "Mom")  Darn right there hasn't been a real conversation in 12 years as it's pointless in my book.  She doesn't know who I am, has never known who I am and never will since she's incapable of escaping her N based, pre-conceived & vicious notions.  That last comment is the one that sparked the annoyance...see the effort to suck even my hubby, who's my closest friend in the world into her evil little scheme?  It's so darned pathetic.   :roll:

Even though I've made no response to the attack, the fact that I'm annoyed about it annoys me since it tells me I still have a way to go in coping with the issue of having an N mother.  I'm seriously thinking of severing all contact with this stupid woman.  I'm so tired of dealing with it.  She doesn't deserve even the smallest amount of my energy.  Nor does she deserve the energy I have to expend in trying NOT to expend energy on her.  I simply don't see the purpose of it all.

I'm so thankful that I have the security of knowing who I am and that I have sane people around me who love and validate the person I truly am.  These are the people that I want to spend energy on.  Methinks it's time to lock the door on that woman, cast the key to the outer limits of space and move onto more important and less annoying things.

God bless and thanks for letting me vent.   :wink:


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Long-range snyper shots....
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2004, 02:07:03 PM »
She doesn't know who I am, has never known who I am and never will since she's incapable of escaping her N based, pre-conceived & vicious notions

Perfectly put - that's exactly what it's like.

But it's also par for the course trying to/thinking we can get above and beyond a rational human reaction to being treated that way.

We can't choose our feelings - and it's normal to 'feel' 'annoyed' (that's actually a pretty mild reaction!!) if someone maligns us or tries to stir up trouble for us.  It's normal and it's healthy.

The difference is when we choose not to let it bother us.

So 'feel' OK about feeling annoyed.  

Then you won't be annoyed about being annoyed and then (consequently) get dragged into 'proving' that they can't say anything to you without their heads being bitten off (etc).  Geddit? ;-)

Somehow, being an ACON leads us to think we should be 'beyond feelings'.  I think THAT is just part of the constellation of 'symptoms' that keeps us down.  Like the requirement to be 'perfect' and to make superhuman demands on ourselves.

So 'feel' what they make you feel - even tho that's what they want you to feel - then you can spot the game, be kind to yourself and simply say 'sorry, not playing tonight'!!

Actually my reaction is still a bit stronger than 'sorry, not playing' - more like 'eek, she got me again' and 'aaagh' as I see the muddy waters looming, or 'schlurp' as I pull myself out of the morass and, occasionally, 'I've fallen in the water' (a la Bluebottle in the Goons).  

Laughter's healthy, too!!  And as they don't laugh much, it may also be the best revenge!  :twisted:

Just a thought!
"No matter how enmeshed a commander becomes in the elaboration of his own
thoughts, it is sometimes necessary to take the enemy into account" Sir Winston Churchill


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Long-range snyper shots....
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2004, 04:48:57 PM »
Hi Rojo,

Doesn't this type of attempt, especially by your mother, at undermining your emotional health and relatonships burn you up. And that's not good for you. Rosencrantz is right about laughter being good for you. And reflection is, fortunately, invaluable too.

My mother does this type of thing that you recount, make up awful stories to whoever will listen.

I read a book years ago called 'Coping with Criticism'. The process which it presented was simple and effective, and represented criticism as a stone to sharpen a knife.

1. Disregard who dished out the criticism, it usually comes from people who don't like us anyway. People who really care about us try not to.
2. Give the criticism some reflection and thought, guilt-free if possible.
3. Establish in your mind if there is any truth to it or not.
4. If there is no truth, disregard the criticism, and state to the other person that you reject what they said, that have given it consideration and found it to be nonsense, or a misunderstanding or whatever.
5. If there is some truth in it, use it as a positive stroke and step for self-improvement, and thank the other person for pointing it out, you are now a better person for it.
Simple enough, but I've added one more ingredient to the formula when dealing with my mother who is a 7th Dan Narcissist. Never let them get away with it if  they try to infect an important member of your support network. NMther was always doing this down through the years, bagging me out to my friends and family, her friends, the milkman, the hairdresser, you name it. And I usually wanted to avoid the horrendous 'Elizabeth Taylor in Who's Afraid of Virginia W' scenes that followed if I dared question her. I used to talk about it with the 'informant', friends etc. But in denying, burning, stewing, resenting, containing etc it would affect my physical and mental health until eventually I managed to get over it somehow, till the next time.

The last time, 7 years ago was different. Mother came to stay and it didn't take long before she was up to her old tricks. We hadn't seen her for 5 years before that. She told my young daughter, who had just finished primary school at the time, some ridiculous stories about me that were complete imaginings. So preposterous they were, I was shocked, and she had stopped shocking me a long before. My daughter, who was obviously very upset came into my bedroom and told me things nana had said to her about me. I asked my mother to come downstairs to my office. She did, and I stated to her matter-of-factly that my daughter had told me the things she'd been saying about me. I said what they were, I'd written them down. She denied it all of course, and even called my daughter a liar. She said things like, "Now your daughter is just like you, a liar", (her only grandaughter) attempted to go into history and re-write it, which is something N's do very well. She worked hard to draw me in on an argument and was madly pushing every button that had ever worked in the past, without success. I stayed completely focused, like a sniper, and continued to repeat "I'm not getting drawn into that now, I want to know why you said thus, thus, and thus." I totally resisted arguing with her and being led off track, for first time ever, successfully.

I simply repeated her comments back to her many times and stated that;

1. Her comments were completely inappropriate for a young girl to hear, and that they were lies also.
2. I believed my daughter, she was not lying
3. She could stay so long as she apologised to my daughter, and I had a commitment from her to cease with  the mind games.

She said no, she should leave, at which point she expected me to cave and say, "No mum, that's not what I want. I want us to be friends." Which is what I had always done in the past. But this time I said "Fine, and organised her ticket out of town for the very next day. I also cautioned her to behave for the next 24 hours when she was in front of my children and she did, to what I know was the best of her ability.

I still wonder how I did it, being alone in a room with this woman who frightened me, and how I managed to stay so calm. I was 4 weeks off having a baby, and was dealing with a husband with NPD. Anyway, MotherDearest rode out of town on her broomstick the next day and I haven't seen or heard from her since. And as Edith sings, I have no regrets.

Often the people like your husband, who N's say this stuff about you to, don't want to be quoted. Your husband may have told you what she said, but he may not want you to say anything to her. Mainly because he doesn't want to get dragged into the ring. Well too bad, he is dragged in. She dragged him in by his non-response. Did he correct her, or dare I say, defend you, knowing that you've had to put up with crap like this before. It would have been nice if he had said something to her at the time, like, "Who are you talking about, because the person you're describing is nothing like my wife." A long time friend of mine defended me in such a way a few years ago when my Nhusband made a ridiculous accusation and comment about me when we were all out to dinner for my birthday. He tried to let one fly, to belittle me in front of my friends. My friend said "Who are you talking about, because you're certainly not talking about your wife, I should know, I've known her longer than you have." My Nhusband was left feeling quite embarassed. But I felt good, and it didn't ruin my night at all.

Maybe hubby could learn this technique as as support mechanism. Then what she said probably wouldn't have bothered you greatly. If everyone played their part, wouldn't life be wonderful. This is real support in action.
"Don't come home and just tell me what she said, come home and tell me what you said."

Take care



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Long-range snyper shots....
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2004, 05:23:15 PM »
Hi, R!

As usual, you've given me wonderfully sound advise.  You're right, I shouldn't be annoyed with myself.  I have a right to be annoyed with this unwarranted, unprovoked shot across the bows, so to speak.

Do you remember that little computer game "Battleships"?  This episode reminds me of that game in that she can't see what's going on with me as I'm hidden behind the screen so she fired off a few rounds to see if they land on anything.  Had I reacted by calling or emailing her, she'd have gotten precisely what she was looking for - a reaction.  At the same time, even though I ignored the attack, the fact that I instead got annoyed with myself is in essence a small victory for her anyway - precisely what I was trying to avoid!!!   :lol:   Yup, methinks I geddit.  Thanks, R.

Ying, tong, ying, tong.... :D  Gotta love the Goons!


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Long-range snyper shots....
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2004, 05:58:56 PM »
Hi, PP

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.  Dear God, there's no end to the lows these N's will stoop to is there?  For your mother to involve your child in her connivings is about as wretched as wretched gets.  I'm so sorry that happened to you and your daughter.

Re my hubby, he did try to respond to NMom by saying "You're right, you don't know her."  I don't think the sense of outrage was there, though.  This I can understand, simply because he was trying to keep things calm and make the few days that the visit was as smooth as possible.  However, you are very insightful.  Now that I think about my reaction to the situation, a little part of it was stemming from annoyance that he didn't blow her out of the water for saying that.  It's a difficult thing for me...part of me would love an outraged defence but at the same time, I don't want DH drug in any further than she already had him in this instance.  There's NO getting through to this bloody woman so I can't be sure she'd have skulked off, especially since there was no-one else around to embarrass her into backing down or recanting.  The classic N-quagmire...darned if you do, darned if you don't, I'm afraid.  But, it COULD have worked so it definitely needs to be tried in the future.

I've just been talking with hubby about your post and he agrees you have a very valid point about how much it helps us ACONs when people in our support network challenge the N's snyper shots.  In retrospect, he perhaps should have slammed that one down a little harder.  We're going to work out a plan so that we're both better prepared should there be a next visit.  Thank you so much for pointing this out.  I really never thought about enlisting this sort of help from my husband, other family members or friends.

God Bless,



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Long-range snyper shots....
« Reply #5 on: February 14, 2004, 07:56:20 PM »


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Long-range snyper shots....
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2004, 10:56:20 AM »
I think it would help your marriage if your husband doesn't visit her in future. He can be in the area without contacting her. She has lost the privilege of his visits by bad-mouthing his wife. And he doesn't stand up for you but merely reports her nasty comments back to you. I wouldn't respond AT ALL to your mother at this point, it just gives her the attention she wants.



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Long-range snyper shots....
« Reply #7 on: February 28, 2004, 02:26:10 PM »
Hi, All

I've been thinking quite a bit about all your helpful comments re this recent situation.  I've been very torn between PP's advise to never let an N get away with baseless critisisms and Bunny's advise to never contact her again.  Both courses of action are so sensible.  :?

The update on it all is that she's been sending me the sweetest emails...full of interest in my life and asking inviting questions trying to ellicit a response.  Boy is this tactic surprising...riiiight!!!  lol.  I've still not responded and every time I've started to write up an email to calmly confront the situtaion the way PP did, I stop halfway, thinking...this is pointless with my N.  The reason being that not too long ago, I confronted her about her comment about me being difficult since birth - this has always been her favorite weapon whenever I've tried to be heard and she's wielded it liberally over the last 30 years.  Evidently and not surprisingly, she's learned nothing from that episode given these recent comments to my husband.  Again, no surprise.

Another thing that's happened since my last post is that she sent some long lost film footage, which my late and beloved father took over several years.  She'd given it to my hubby to give to me.  It showed my siblings and I as babies and sort of documented us growing up until she took off with her lover, when I was about four.  My reaction to seeing this footage was overwhelming.  I sobbed and howled in a way that I wouldn't have thought was possible.  I went on for hours.  The family I saw in that footage was seemingly perfect, but ultimately not good enough for her.  I guess it just hit home exactly how much collateral damage her incomprehensible choices have wrought over the years.  Then I thought about what she did a few years ago, just hours after my dads funeral...there she was, sitting in a chair, center stage, with all of us adult kids gathered around her.  She actually sat there and began to tell us how mean our father was to her.  Dear God.

Then, last night I had a very surprising conversation with my younger brother.  This is the one I posted about a while back who I worry about because of his refusal to even acknowledge the possibility that she has a problem, even though he's been suffering because of it.  Well, amazingly, he just opened up and it all poured out.  It was the most incredible conversation.  Even though you have all been wonderfully supportive and validating, somehow, receiving the validations and acknowledgements from my brother was a salve more precious than I could ever have imagined.

So, the point of this all being that I feel more confident in my decision to keep her completely out of my life.  In fact, today I blocked her email address.  I just don't want to hear from her anymore.  I'm sure she'll be calling come my birthday next weekend so call screening has been implemented.

Although I'm sure I'm doing the right thing...I still feel pain.  Like I've had my guts ripped out.  Hubby worries that I'll regret the decision, especially when she croaks but says he'll support whatever decision I make.  The point is that I have to worry about today.  I have to protect my happiness today as I can't count on tomorrow's coming.  I just want to end the drag all this dead weight has created for way, way too long.  I hope I can remain true to the decision.

As always, I think you're all wonderful and I cannot express how grateful I am to all of you for walking this with me.
