What a terrible week that was for you. I am soo sorry for what you are going through. Being a mother of a sick child takes such strength. You are really there for your sons.
The true colours of your NH are coming out and his lack of insight and empathy into a powerful situation that requires genuine caring.
You are a warrior and this is the battlefield. The divorce stirs up everything you may have been avoiding. Our children feel these things and become like lightning rods.
I am glad your son is being monitored in the hospital. If it is thyroid that is causing his anxiety ( which is intensified by all the stress) he will be feeling better soon.
My sister had thyroid problems that caused severe anxiety and now she is on meds and feeling fine. Another woman I knew had a tumour on her thyroid and this caused extreme emotional acting out and distress. It was removed,was benign and she is ok too.
You wrote to me when we were both up in the middle of the night and feeling the full storm of change and confrontation surrounding us. Thank you. Your thoughts and caring meant a lot to me. This is some kind of dark night of the soul and you sound like a wonderful, strong, caring person who just has tooooo much going on right now. It is going in the right direction though.
They say that Ns become really dreadful during a divorce. This sure seems to be true for me. Slander, manipulation, pitting people against each other, using legal systems as weapons of torture.
Keep writing. I care what you have to say and how you are feeling.
Lots of love to you. I can see a really huge angel surrounging you and your family.
There is healing here and more coming.
Love to you
Sea Storm