I figured it would be a good idea to share things that we dream about here on this list.
I had a dream last night, that I ran into the first person who ever hurt me...a pastor's wife. In the dream, she rebuked me for telling her about how I was wounded by other people. She told me that I must go back to all the information I know about FAITH CONFESSION and only speak POSITIVE of anyone. I remember suddenly feeling like I was VOICELESS again in that dream...I felt like "how DARE you try to censure my speech!"
See, I think there are two common reactions from people who have been Narcissistically abused. One is to be silent and one is to shout from the highest rooftops!
Those who keep their feelings and anger in, tend to become victims agian, from what I've seen. Those who speak out become enemies of the victimizers for daring to TELL.
Just my experience