Author Topic: Observation on television today.  (Read 1615 times)


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Observation on television today.
« on: December 13, 2006, 11:37:19 PM »
Today, I happened to be watching the "Dr. Keith Ablow" show where a mother of twins was sharing her stress of raising these newborn infants alone.  The father of these babies has REFUSED to have anything to do with them!  At one point during the program, Dr. Ablow commented that the babies' father was exhibiting narcissism and this character had the audacity to actually SMIRK at that description!!!  It was as if he was saying to the audience:  "Yeah, I'm a NARCISSIST and PROUD OF IT!"  Dr. Ablow advised the twins' mother to keep those babies AWAY FROM HIM!!!!! 

I agree with Dr. Ablow and, at the same time, I'm hoping the state they live in is making him pay child support!!!!!  (I wanted to tell that character that if you don't want to become a father again while bedding more than a dozen women, then wear a raincoat or get it snipped!)



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Re: Observation on television today.
« Reply #1 on: December 14, 2006, 09:28:33 AM »
Hiya Bones:

I think their lack of empathy for both the mother and the child is precisely why N's don't bother to take precautions to prevent pregnancy.  They are only concerned with their own and current needs.  Also,maybe it's more boost their false egos.......the more offspring they produce......the more food their ego receives.  It builds them up to know they are so fertile??  Soooo good at making babies!!

Insanity?  Yep.  Betcha the father of those twins dodges his financial obligations with the same audacity.  I think people like him who produce children, and refuse to take responsibility for them.......should be ordered sterilized by the court.  That might slow them down a little and prevent lots of women and children from them, at least in this way.



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Re: Observation on television today.
« Reply #2 on: December 14, 2006, 09:58:02 AM »
Personally, I think that mother of those twins might want to say a prayer of thanks to God that the man doesn't want to be in their lives!  I realize it's going to be hard on her to raise babies alone, but it's harder raising them with a self-absorbed control freak as a father.


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Re: Observation on television today.
« Reply #3 on: December 14, 2006, 03:48:46 PM »
Hiya Bones:

I think their lack of empathy for both the mother and the child is precisely why N's don't bother to take precautions to prevent pregnancy.  They are only concerned with their own and current needs.  Also,maybe it's more boost their false egos.......the more offspring they produce......the more food their ego receives.  It builds them up to know they are so fertile??  Soooo good at making babies!!

Insanity?  Yep.  Betcha the father of those twins dodges his financial obligations with the same audacity.  I think people like him who produce children, and refuse to take responsibility for them.......should be ordered sterilized by the court.  That might slow them down a little and prevent lots of women and children from them, at least in this way.


From what I understand, quite a few states will go after dead-beat parents via suspending their drivers' licenses and throwing 'em in jail!!!!  That's where this guy needs to be if he's not paying to support the children that he's fathering irresponsibily.



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Re: Observation on television today.
« Reply #4 on: December 14, 2006, 03:51:22 PM »
Personally, I think that mother of those twins might want to say a prayer of thanks to God that the man doesn't want to be in their lives!  I realize it's going to be hard on her to raise babies alone, but it's harder raising them with a self-absorbed control freak as a father.

That's true!  At the same time, he needs to be paying child support rather than attempting to dump them on the state's welfare system.  If he's attempting to dodge his financial responsibilities, then the state should go after him with everything they've got!



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Re: Observation on television today.
« Reply #5 on: December 14, 2006, 09:11:23 PM »
The father of these babies has REFUSED to have anything to do with them! 

As a father of four,(who is raising his with his wife)  I feel for that poor mother!  She SHOULD say a prayer of thanks... and then run!! ...straight down to an attorney's office and get that "boy" (he's not a Man!) a court ordered paternity test. The courts do not like deadbeats. They send 'em to jail nowadays. You lay - you pay!  :wink:

If the DR recognized him to be a narcissist, then she'll be better off in the long run without him. 

Perhaps the Dr. will help her identify the narcissist - type of man she was attracted to and counsel her to stay far far away from 'em so that In the future she can find a decent man to raise those babies with.



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Re: Observation on television today.
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2006, 10:24:54 AM »
The father of these babies has REFUSED to have anything to do with them! 

As a father of four,(who is raising his with his wife)  I feel for that poor mother!  She SHOULD say a prayer of thanks... and then run!! ...straight down to an attorney's office and get that "boy" (he's not a Man!) a court ordered paternity test. The courts do not like deadbeats. They send 'em to jail nowadays. You lay - you pay!  :wink:

If the DR recognized him to be a narcissist, then she'll be better off in the long run without him. 

Perhaps the Dr. will help her identify the narcissist - type of man she was attracted to and counsel her to stay far far away from 'em so that In the future she can find a decent man to raise those babies with.


I think Dr. Ablow is going to help her do that.  At least, I hope he does.
