Hi Axa:
It is as if everything I need I have I just could not see it.
One of the hardest things for me is to take account of my blessings, especially if I am feeling down and life is not going the way I want it to. It is so much easier to think of the good stuff and appreciate it, when my spirits are already up and I feel happy. Listing my blessings, has saved me from a total downward spiral, sometimes too, when I was on my way there in the past. Thinking about what is right and good in life has helped me reign in hopeless, sad thinking sometimes too. Not easy though.
Hey! Maybe now would be a good time to write all of the blessings you are taking account of down, so you have a hard copy? That way, if you ever need that list.....it'll be right handy!
Either way, so glad you are enjoying your life and taking measure of what's good, valuable and feels wonderful!!
