The image constitutes denial of feelings. By identifying with a grandiose image, a person is able to ignore pain of her inner reality and also stay somewhat connected to the world she must live in . It is a way to get acceptance, to seduce others and to achieve power over others.
SADNESS AND FEAR are the two main emotions that the Narcissist supresses. Why? because these two emotions leave the Narcissist feeling VULNERABLE.
Sadness means being alerted to loss and causes LONGING. To long for someone could risk the Narcissist being REJECTED or HUMILIATED.
Not wanting or feeling desire, defends the Narcissist against possibly being hurt. Same thing with denial of fear...If N does not feel afraid, N will not be VULNERABLE.
If the person can deny sadness and fear, they can project an image of being independent, courageous and strong. This helps the Narcissist hide vulnerability from both himself and others. The image is only a FACADE though, and therefore has no feelings nor strength. This would lie in the INNER SELF, not the IMAGE portrayed by the N.
Since the N knows that the IMAGE has no strength, he seeks power and needs it to make up for the lack. Power to the N, equals ENERGY to the IMAGE.
All people are vulnerable and can be hurt, rejected or humiliated. Not everyone denies their feelings, projects and image of not being vulnerable or of being superior, nor do we all strive for power. It all stems from childhood and trauma...some have endured a blight to their self-esteem that can scar and shape their personalities. This involved HUMILIATION, FEELING POWERLESS, BEING CONTROLLED BY ANOTHER PERSON. It was a CONSTANT situation that caused the problem. It is formed by INNER VOWS.
The Narcissist first controls herself, by denying and supressing feelings, then they seek to control their circumstances so that nobody can gain power over them. Power and Control function to protect the person from feeling vulnerable, powerless and humiliated.