A catatonic man, who can stand in a trance for long moments in time, has shut off all feeling, including pain, yet the other organs still function normally.
All neurotic people including narcissists use this mechanism of making parts of their body go "dead" to suppress feelings.
Setting the jaw- blocks crying. If maintaned, the person will not be able to cry at all.
Deadening upper back muscles and shoulders through tension- suppressing anger
THe more important defense in Narcissists is DENIAL OF FEELING
When a person FEELS something, it's because they perceive an internal body movement or situation. If that doesn't occur, there is no feeling, because nothing is there to perceive. It is like letting your arm hang for a while...eventually you will lose feeling in it. This is the way internal feelings work too...deaden parts of you and eventually you will no longer notice them nor will they operate.
It is like someone yelling and screaming in a conversation, but when a person asks what they are angry about, the person says "Who's angry?"