My mom, my family in general, has a way of getting into my head and making me second guess my concerns. She and my sister had made me feel sick to my stomach about myself with this whole situation. And my mom did leave my children alone with him when she came to pick me up from work. I was so upset! I'm a single mom, the father of my children was abusive, therefore he has no contact with the children, does not help out financially or anything. And my mom is helping me with the children. And she always holding it over my head that I need her help. So, in this situation, I guess I got dumb! I didn't want my children and me to end up homeless, but I didn't want my children to end up to be molested either! I feel that I failed my children! I've been looking for signs of them being abused, so far I haven't seen any! I expressed this to my mom, all she had to say is, "Well, at least they are alive!" You know, I've gotten so upset with my mom about this whole situation, that I just freak out, when we had an argument and my chest started hurting and I could not breathe! I had to calm myself down, felt like I might have been having a heart attack. No, I haven't been to the doctor. But I'm moving into an apt. without my mother in the spring, to a smalltown in alabama, so I won't have to depend on her so much. I wished I could have handle a lot of situations, differently. I just didn't know what to do. I don't won't my children to suffer because of it, though....You know? I feel so guilty. I just pray that he did not molest them!
P.S. The guy is no longer in the house.