Have you ever thought about it? What kind of popcorn would a narcassist eat?
My guess is either chocolate covered or GOLD PLATED! They are wayyyyyyyyyyyy too important and special to eat that normal "store-bought" kind that we LITTLE PEOPLE purchase...although, just so they can convince us that they really do not think they are all that, they might stoop so low as to buy some from an actual grocery store...it's looks good on their image to seem to be able to relate to us...you know, how the biggie politicians go around, and for publicity stunts, they kiss all the babies!

And what about their echo person? Would that person only get the little pieces that didn't pop right and think that they were getting the very best of the best and never complain?
Well, the echo would most likely be told that they could have the pleasure of WATCHING the N eat and not get any, unless of course, the echo is a fresh pick of supply, in which case, they will be given the creme de la creme from the N person...need to make the supply person feel like they are the "one and only person I can trust in this world The only one I care enough to share my most prized possession with and all my secrets too. The one I would NEVER leave, hurt or desert in any way..." This fine treatment makes the later DEVALUING process sting a whole lot more and be more effective and enjoyable to the N...of course, the enjoyment lasts only for a short while...about as long as that batch of popcorn would...and then they need new supply of people and popcorn!
Would they pretend their dish was just as special because they were eating it beside their N? Would the N person not gain weight from eating their fancy popcorn because their image just could not handle that? So many questions.. so little time...
The echo would just feel tremendously thankful for ANY sort of dish at first, but then eventually begin to notice that N and them have different ones...maybe it would be questioned or maybe the echo might decide to stay quiet.
Not gain weight? Well, a lot of N's also have eating disorders, so you might not be so far from the truth in this one. Fat would tarnish their image for sure.
Makes me dizzy to think about it.