To axa, Hopalong, pennyplant, CouldBe123:
Thanks very much for your kind and encouraging words. Better things have happened already:
-- My mom is willing and able to pay the dentist bills -- best Christmas and birthday present I can think of!
-- My mom wanted to buy a "fun" gift for me for $20-$30. I was able, in a pleasant, calm way, to ask her to give me that money for the rent instead, and she said yes.
-- She and I may go to her church supper on Christmas Eve (a good meal, with lots of people we both know), then play Scrabble (we both had fun last time we played).
The best gift I could hope for is a reduction in my chronic anxiety. I think working on assertiveness is the best way to address this.
Thanks again for the support. I hated to be a "downer" at holiday time, but being honest is crucial. It helped me to tell the truth here.