Hello All:
In reading this thread, Penny, there is one thing that keeps popping into my brain:
Maybe it was the rejection that hurt the worst?
Because when we are rejected by others we might believe it our fault, or think we must be the problem. We're the one's who are not liked and therefore rejected, so there must be something wrong with us, right? "There must be something wrong with me!!! Why won't they accept me?" (a couple of thoughts that couldl take over thinking in a big way.....especially if the rejection occurs over a long period of time).
On the other hand, it seems you're brain is smarter than even these bullies. It's like deep inside there, it's telling you ..........
"It's not you. There has to be another reason for their behaviour."
So, maybe the drive to find out why these people treated you the way they did and what drove them (drives them) and why they don't remember any or half of it........
........is a way to proove to your inner mind, once and for all, that it really wasn't anything about you that made it all happen.
It wasn't Penny. You were a sweet little red headed girl who others targetted because of something twisted inside them.......not you.
The thing that must feel really weird is to meet one of them and have him smile and look upon you with some kind of wanting, instead of the rejection that was his usual past mode of operi.
The healthy thing I see you doing is NOT taking some kind of revenge and rejecting these people back.....which you could do with a few snide, cruel words (but those aren't coming to you and that seems really healthy to me). Instead, you are really trying to understand what made/makes these people tick which may be frustrating in the end because they aren't all that likely to devulge all that are they?
How about a total change of attitude toward these ex-bullies? What if you were to think of them as:
poor messed up souls who don't have a clue.

What if, the next time you must interact with one of them, you simply smile, hold your head up, act as if you are now.....totally unaffected by their past behaviour and as if YOU have forgotten all about it??
The pain they caused is awful and I'm so sorry you went through all of that (and the same to anyone/all who've endured something similar). The rejection was their way of acting out whatever was twisted in their lives or inside themselves. You bore the brunt of it and that is so unfair.
And now that you're an adult.......you can choose not to let people like these affect you. You can believe that it was not YOU, the rejected but something... in THEM ...that caused them to reject (and you happened to be the easiest target, since you were sweet and unique and handy).
Thing is.......do you really need more proof that something wasn't/may still not be quite right about them? What if it doesn't turn up?
A harsh truth may just be that some people simply enjoy tormenting those they get some power over.
A simple truth may be that that power can be removed....taken back......by not believing it has anything to do with us, not allowing ourselves to feel rejected, not feeling tormented, etc. ??

What would be the fun for them then?
((((((((((Penny)))))))) Toss whatever makes no sense or isn't of use.