I think it's like quitting smoking. I smoked like a chimney for 20 years and made hundreds of attempts to quit. I couldn't. But I never stopped wanting to, ever. Finally, the time was right, my motivation was stronger (one T made me write a farewell letter to my little daughter explaining how I was really sorry, but these little white sticks were more important to me than seeing her graduate or meeting her child) .... and I tried hypnosis. It still took 2 takes with a six-month relapse in between, and the ongoing help of a nicotine substitute. But it saved my life, 20+ years ago.
I had relationships with Ns in a similarly addictive way, one after another. It was only after breaking up with the last Nbf, two years ago, and feeling no confusion at all about who he was and why I deeply dislike him, that I feel clear. Still, I've needed every moment of these 2 years alone to feel resettled in myself. When I step out again for a relationship, I won't be leading from loneliness. I spent the time dealing with who I am and building my support circle of friendships (in my case, through church). And I know as much what I do want as what I don't.
So I completely understand how compelling the urge to repeat the cycle of attraction to Ns. I just want to tell can end it. You need to want to end it more than anything else. And you can.