Author Topic: What every young girl should know~~~  (Read 3205 times)


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What every young girl should know~~~
« on: March 17, 2007, 10:11:48 PM »
1.)   I wet the bed until I was 12 years old. Mom fed me Dodd’s kidney pills. I slept with her and my brother slept with Dad, while my 3 sisters shared a room.

2.)   When I was 8 in Grade 5 and flat chested, of course, the only other girl, Shirley, was 12 and had breasts. I overheard the girls in Grade 8 asking my oldest sister why I didn’t have breasts like Shirley did. Uh Oh! Malformed! Disfigured!

3.)   When I was 10 and still in a room with Mom, someone was scrabbling/ peeking/giggling through a warp in the bedroom door as I dressed. After that, all 4 siblings called me ‘baldy’. I had no idea what was wrong with me now. My mother had a hysterectomy at age 40, so…. If she heard the taunts then that is why she asked if I wanted to see her scar (which was like an order, “Come look at my scar.”) I saw her tummy, the scar and a patch of black and “baldy’ came into place. Uh Oh! Malformed! Disfigured!   It took two years of searching for ONE hair before I knew I was right!

4.)   Something was going on in the girls’ bedroom and no one was talking! I knew there was something, so I waited until they were all out somewhere and went snooping. I found a pamphlet about Kotex and Sanitary Belts under the mattress of one of the beds, and I found Kotex in the cupboard. That’s how I learned about menstruation. I was still under age 12.

5.)   I didn’t move into that room until I was 14, after my eldest sister left home with her periods and breasts, and I’d stopped wetting the bed (an embarrassing incident at my girlfriend’s place, age 12, wetting her brother’s bed.)

6.)   At age 15 I finally had blossomed a wee bit, and had my period. I didn’t know what to do about Mom, since she had never told me anything. I went to her and I remember these words very clearly, “In case you are interested, I have my period now”. She answered with, ”Good! Then we know nothing is wrong!”

Oh yes, and don't let a boy put his hand underneath your skirt.

I ought to write a book for adolescent girls, eh what?



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Re: What every young girl should know~~~
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2007, 10:28:06 PM »

I'm not deaf to how all that made you feel  :(.  But you are sooooooooooooo funny!

Wasn't it Doans Pills?  And do you remember Sal Hepatica?  uggh!

« Last Edit: March 17, 2007, 10:49:13 PM by teartracks »


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Re: What every young girl should know~~~
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2007, 10:32:50 PM »

Am I really funny?

I was really morified over many things--each one added to the mess until here I am.......still alive!! to talk about it

and no it was Dodd's pills, as I said.



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Re: What every young girl should know~~~
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2007, 10:43:55 PM »

Gotcha.  Dodd's. 

Yes, I think you should write a book.  And you are comical.  Is that a mask to cover the pain?



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Re: What every young girl should know~~~
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2007, 11:53:41 PM »
A mask? I expect so, but it wan't planned.

I was a riot at 16. I had breasts AND pubic hair AND my period! Oh boy I was a-moving on up, man!

Sal Hepatica sounds familiar--for what?

I remember "worm powder', Castoria, Rundles products (there was nothing more healing that Rundles salve and nothing yet has beaten Rundles liniment)



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Re: What every young girl should know~~~
« Reply #5 on: March 18, 2007, 11:25:14 AM »
Oh Izzy....  I remember those days well..

I was flat chested till I was 15.  I asked for a bra cos I felt left out and had one with pink flowers that I wore under my schoolshirt till I realised that every one was laughing at me cos it was way too high..

When I started my periods my mother told me I was "unwell" and that was that....  I will not even begin to try and describe the horror of trying to work out tampons!!!

I was informed that women were dirty recepticles for men.....  Great sex education huh!!!  Still I had a friend who asked her mother what a lesbian was...  her mum told her it was a gardening tool!!!!!

Oh yes..  I found a condom in my mum's drawer...  After tearing me to shreds cos she thought it was mine she then informed me that my father always carried one in his top rt hand pocket....  COS IT HOLDS A GALLON OF PETROL!!!!!!!!

However did we get to where we are today?????

Spyralle xx


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Re: What every young girl should know~~~
« Reply #6 on: March 18, 2007, 11:55:51 AM »
1.)   I wet the bed until I was 12 years old. Mom fed me Dodd’s kidney pills. I slept with her and my brother slept with Dad, while my 3 sisters shared a room.

2.)   When I was 8 in Grade 5 and flat chested, of course, the only other girl, Shirley, was 12 and had breasts. I overheard the girls in Grade 8 asking my oldest sister why I didn’t have breasts like Shirley did. Uh Oh! Malformed! Disfigured!

3.)   When I was 10 and still in a room with Mom, someone was scrabbling/ peeking/giggling through a warp in the bedroom door as I dressed. After that, all 4 siblings called me ‘baldy’. I had no idea what was wrong with me now. My mother had a hysterectomy at age 40, so…. If she heard the taunts then that is why she asked if I wanted to see her scar (which was like an order, “Come look at my scar.”) I saw her tummy, the scar and a patch of black and “baldy’ came into place. Uh Oh! Malformed! Disfigured!   It took two years of searching for ONE hair before I knew I was right!

4.)   Something was going on in the girls’ bedroom and no one was talking! I knew there was something, so I waited until they were all out somewhere and went snooping. I found a pamphlet about Kotex and Sanitary Belts under the mattress of one of the beds, and I found Kotex in the cupboard. That’s how I learned about menstruation. I was still under age 12.

5.)   I didn’t move into that room until I was 14, after my eldest sister left home with her periods and breasts, and I’d stopped wetting the bed (an embarrassing incident at my girlfriend’s place, age 12, wetting her brother’s bed.)

6.)   At age 15 I finally had blossomed a wee bit, and had my period. I didn’t know what to do about Mom, since she had never told me anything. I went to her and I remember these words very clearly, “In case you are interested, I have my period now”. She answered with, ”Good! Then we know nothing is wrong!”

Oh yes, and don't let a boy put his hand underneath your skirt.

I ought to write a book for adolescent girls, eh what?


Margo/Tremusan writes:  Well..... I know that was all very painful history you related but.... your can style and candor were so fresh and entertaining that.... well.... I enjoyed reading it.  Sorry things had to be so confusing and dysfunctional for you. 

The part about not letting a boy put his hand under your shirt reminded me of when my father said "don't go taking down your spanties for the first boy that asks ya to, in the back of a a 57' Chevy."  I'm sure that's what he must have had when he was a teen.  Icky and awful to hear for a shy late bloomer not ready to be kissed. 

I must say.... I did manage to go through some forgiveness in my FOO.  I took the advice of a  very good friend who had done it for himself.  He said to do it for me and realize that they were doing the very best they could and if they could have done better they would have.  It helped.  Thanks for sharing your truth.  It humanizes us all and gives us the strength to share too. 


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Re: What every young girl should know~~~
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2007, 02:41:58 PM »
OMG.  Doesn't that just bring back memories.

Growing boobs when I was nine...feeling a freak, and nobody noticing till my aunt, bless her, took me out and actually bought me my first bra.  Then more humiliation when the boys at school started pinging the straps...

My mother's reaction to my period starting...complete indifference...but yelling at me when I left a packet of towels anywhere where my dad might come across them, because men weren't supposed to even know about it.

Knowing (from books) about pregnancy, but nothing at all about sex...being told 'Don't come home pregnant or your dad will throw you out' when I didn't even know how you got pregnant...

Asking my mother what contraception was, and being told that 'self-control' was the only acceptable method...not finding out till much later what that actually meant...and that it didn't work, because I was the result of it.

Being taught that nudity was horrible and unnecessary.  That it was a relief when a woman got 'past the age' when a man wanted her for you-know-what.

Being treated as big and ugly enough to look after myself, when older guys started coming on to me because I looked mature...when in fact I knew next to nothing...desperate for some kind of affection, but hopelessly naive, which is about as dangerous as it gets...and when I got hurt, it was all my fault for not knowing how to say no.

Whenever I hear people talk about what it was like in the 'good old days'  I remember all this, because I had what I think amounts to a 'good old days' sexual education and as far as I'm concerned, it can stay right there back in the good old days where it belonged.


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Re: What every young girl should know~~~
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2007, 02:48:01 PM »

Hi Iz,

  Sal Hepatica sounds familiar--for what?

Child, you don't want to find out!  It turns your innards inside out and backwards!



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Re: What every young girl should know~~~
« Reply #9 on: March 18, 2007, 04:25:14 PM »

He said to do it for me and realize that they were doing the very best they could and if they could have done better they would have
Very true

Also they gave all they had to give.  You were always looking for more and thought you were short changed but it was all they had.  Stop looking for more. They do not possess it. It’s like changing a penny into a quarter.



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Re: What every young girl should know~~~
« Reply #10 on: March 19, 2007, 05:37:27 PM »
Excuse the word, but I 'enjoyed' the stories. They made me feel not so alone in teen angst.



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Re: What every young girl should know~~~
« Reply #11 on: March 19, 2007, 10:29:14 PM »
Oh Bean,

It had to be the time and age for so many screwups!

I bought my daughter training bras just when she was not quite ready and she was ecstatic. (asked her to try it on, it fit, and said to let me know if/when it felt too tight and we'd go up a size.)

I told her about periods and she came home from school one day, pulled fown her underpants, revealing the inner crotch and said, "Look's like I got it!"  Off we went to the store, for pads and tampons both, for her choice.

I tried to be so different from my mother and it didn't work. I was already damaged.



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Re: What every young girl should know~~~
« Reply #12 on: March 20, 2007, 04:30:23 AM »
Hey Izzy,

I tried to be different from my mum too...  I tried to be the total opposite..  A therapist once told me that bringing up my child was like trying to sing a nursery ryhme backwards....  Course we couldn't get it right all the time we had had no positive role model  nothing to copy just something to try and do differently....  I screwed up badly in many ways as a mother as I had no clue but the one thing I did give my daughter was unconditional love...

As for periods.. when she started hers we had a party... when her best friend started hers we had another.... welcome to womanhood parties....  As for bras.... every time she went up a cup size we celebrated...  when she went down a cup size we celebrated...!!!!!  I was a screwed up mum and I'm sure she has suffered because of it but she loves me and I love her so we celebrate...

Lots of love

Spyralle x


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Re: What every young girl should know~~~
« Reply #13 on: March 20, 2007, 07:28:51 AM »
these days when I need a little celebration I wear something opaque and let 'em swing....ahhh.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."