Hello again everyone. I arrived back in my home town yesterday via airplane. No sooner had my daughter driven me to the restaurant, than my husband told me, "you need to watch things, I have to go buy a tire for the car" and out he walked. So, a very exhausted ME, had to serve customers, when I was about to drop over from tiredness. Boy did those hours drag on! Eventually my other daughter came with her boyfriend, so hubby and I could go home.
The latest with us: Our brother-in-law got us a trailer, which will be set up outside his bait shop, so we can run our restaurant from there. My husband also bought a new business...a "bloomin onion" business, which we will shortly be trained in making, by the main owner of the place. I'm unsure how all of that will go, but we shall see...yet another adventure in life, I suppose.
It's back to school time for me today...more Abnormal Psych class. I just hope I can hold up with my body hurting from the 2 plane trips. I need to get back to the chiropractor, asap, and get cracked back into place again.
That's about it from me.
My stay with Mom was nice. We got a lot of walls painted and she seems so much happier for it! I hope to visit again in the near future, possibly when there is a spiritual conference coming up. Those are always good

Have a wonderful day, everyone. Stay safe and wise.