Thank you all very much for responding. I feel bad griping when I should be counting the wonderful things I have in my life.
Here is the non-panic version of my life:
My husband always talks about how we will grow old together and we have both put up with each other's crap for 14 years

I think I am scared because for the first time I admitted that I do love him and enjoy having him in my life. I have never done that before with anyone... I love my kids beyond words and they know it. They don't have a choice as to whether or not I am their mom... I just don't like allowing myself to be in any way vulnerable. Actually I just checked my email and he had written a sweet note and told me he wouldn't want anyone else. Still, I plan to work on myself and change the things I don't like because I need to be comfortable with me.
The freind... What bothers me is not her problem per say... I think it is just such a big reminder of how I used to be. And sometimes I get scared of going back there. I know when she lies, when she's drunk in the morning, etc. I don't care in that it's her decision, but I feel so... back there... I believed before, when she first got here, that maybe she was in my life for some cosmic reason... that by my example of having lived through it and changed, she would want to. I thought maybe I was supposed to live through it as an example of some sort. I don't know... is all life randome, or is there reason to things? I also don't know if I believe she will ever be a kind person or unselfish.
And yes, it is wonderful to hjave a voice among caring friends who listen. THANK YOU SO MUCH. Laura, I wish you could move in my place

Moving is both exciting and awful at the same time for me. I just feel very up-in-the-air.
All of you have helped me so much and I thank you. I always know that when I have a big problem I can come here and go away feeling 1000 percent better (and usually with a clearer path to follow and a lighter load

Lots of love, Beth