Nice thread guys, or gals, I guess I should say.
My own take is that their lies and schemes are not just offhanded or seat of the pants type of things. I think they plan and plan and then when they have it all worked out they take a walk around it looking at it from all angles then sit down and do a little more planning.
The reason it looks disorganized and seat-of-the-pants is because it is a total nutter who is doing the planning. As soon as their loony plans collide with the real world, as they inevitably do, the whole things starts to fall around their ears and they sit there trying to hold up the ten thousand bricks they so carefully laid. And when that fails they then point the finger at the convenient scapegoat they always have positioned for just such an event and try to run away to their next train wreck in the making.
I have found the greatest validation in kicking the arse of my tormentor in court. It's tough to fight with them in the alleys and gutters they inhabit, but shine a little light on them and in my experience they don't fair so well where rumor, innuendo and bald faced lies don't suffice.
And, straying about as far from my field of expertise as possible

, I sometimes wonder, given the overlap of characteristics, if it wouldn't be better to just classify NPD, BPD, ASPD etc under one umbrella term such as Butthead Personality Disorder or Really Slimy and Creepy PD, and then have a bowl full of traits that we could pin to our particular antagonist. It would be especially helpful if we could pin them there permanently so that the next sucker they happened upon would at least have had fair warning.