Hey Izzy
Thanks for the kind feedback. Not a good idea to follow me these days though. I am wobbling and backtracking and going around with a sack on my head.
I talked to my exN today and it was confusing. He is depressed: no home, no job, Lady in Calgary wants to wait a year and see what happens, and no Me. I felt sorry for him. I got all tangled up in pity. How soon I forget he was really quite ready to throw me to the wolves. In the last year I have developed arthritis in my knees. This your he took up hiking.
He was threatening to cancel our deal if I don't have the lawyer and the settlement by Feb 15. I asked him what he meant and he said , "oh we woruld have to rethink the deal". I asked for clarification. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get a straight answer out of him. He just cannot speak without forked tongue. I didn't believe anything he said.
It is good to know what a Narcississt is.
I have calmed down and don't feel too off balance.
You know something. I do have all the answers. I just don't listen to myself. My heart takes me to some pretty wild and crazy places.
Sea storm