Author Topic: good things in our day  (Read 1861 times)


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good things in our day
« on: January 06, 2007, 08:46:23 AM »
Hi Guys,

WAnt to start a new thread, share some of my insights and hopefully gain from your experience.

I am actively working on my growth and self care and some of the things I have found very useful are as follows:

Doing something physical every day.

Exploring my creativity - drawing, painting

Meeting my poor wounded child - writing to her daily and writing from her daily, painful but healing.

Making sure I Meet one person each day and have a "light" conversation with them.

When I am on the street, taking the time to stop and SEE the person who greets me

Doing boring things like housework with loud loud music so that it becomes a dance

Having a plan for the day with good things for me.

What do you guys do?  trying to stay with the above and acknowledging the good feelings I get from taking care of myself.

Would love input.  Found the drawing with the non dominant hand so good........... thank you.



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Re: good things in our day
« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2007, 10:20:41 AM »
Wow Axa!  That sounds so healthful!  Good for you!

I'm trying to do some similar stuff but I'm not nearly as far along the list as you, I think.  I love the idea of writing to and from one's inner child like that.  I might try that.  What a great thread!  Thankyou for starting it.

What I do in this regard that I feel helps me is:

Take the time, each day, to relax and visualize positive stuff and see myself at my goals/even pep talk myself.

Focus on eating a healthier diet.

I walk for excercise but am now doing a bit of strength training too.

Read something motivating every day.

Spend at least 1/2 hour doing something creative that I enjoy.



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Re: good things in our day
« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2007, 11:12:23 AM »
Fantastic thread Axa... good to focus on the positive.

I think you are very brave writing to your inner child and allowing her to write back.  I'm not sure I could too that yet.  The thought makes me terrified.

If you like doing housework to loud music you should try painting..  Clear a room get out the rollers..put on your painting gear and let loose..  there is something very cleansing about it!!  Lol ! I am sitting here at the moment covered in white paint.

Anything creative is good I think..  i have written a lot of poetry in downtimes..  Not really focused enough to do it at the moment but I will..

I agree with Sela that a healthier diet always helps..  I have to say I'm not too good at sticking to it though..

I try and achieve something every day.  It is so easy for me to procrastinate.  Even if it a small thing, it makes the load a little lighter!!

I'm sure I will be back with more..  I like this!!

Spyralle x


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Re: good things in our day
« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2007, 12:21:26 PM »
Great activities and ideas, thanks Axa :D

Sort of corresponds, i hope: growth and self-care can include letting the self go for a little while each day maybe: staring at the sky, stars or long distance at trees and fields or the sea (if you can). We live so much in and around cities it's easy to forget we need to view the bigger open spaces (above or at our level). A bit of star-gazing to add to your list for me! A chance to stand in awe perhaps without thinking or feeling anything. 8)


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Re: good things in our day
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2007, 05:59:29 PM »

Did not do the star gazing yet but did climb a mountain today, it was wet and stormy but so exciting.  I am going for healthy rather than unhealthy excitement now.  Climbing a mountain is on my list of things I wanted to do so joined a local group and headed off.  It was so good.  Felt good to be alive.  Very tired now am sure I will get a good sleep.

Thanks all,



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Re: good things in our day
« Reply #5 on: January 07, 2007, 06:31:13 PM »
Decided that instead of being self-conscious about where I was sitting and my "talking" roles this a.m., I would focus on being present and really listening. It worked. She was amazing and I found that I was feeling very open to her message (about spiritual practice, which I'm pathetic at) and the service was moving and lovely and I felt really grateful to be part of it.

And our brilliant piano man did a sort of Philip Glass version of Amazing Grace. !

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: good things in our day
« Reply #6 on: January 08, 2007, 06:20:32 AM »

So glad it was a good experience for you.  I try to stay in the present as much as possible but the old sabotaging part of me wants to get back to that pain and do a bit of wallowing........ will take your reminder of the present with me today.

Many thanks,



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Re: good things in our day
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2007, 07:30:05 AM »
"just trying to let myself be"


What a thought to hold for today.  I am trying to be also.  Sometimes I push myself on this road which may be a good thing but also I need to be patient with me.  I am so hungry for a life that is free from the abuse that I am in some ways not stopping to be still.  I need to know that it is ok for me to be me, where I am, warts and all.  I forget this.  I have a desperate desire to be happy and away from all the madness/sadness. 

I guess in the past I would have drowned in the sadness and so do not want to go there again.  I need to find a balance.  Part of me still has a bit of the Pollyanna thing instead of accepting this moment and what it brings.

Feel a little sad, thats ok. 



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Re: good things in our day
« Reply #8 on: January 08, 2007, 09:21:43 AM »
It's only sucking out the ways of being that you've known for so long.
Just ways.
Not essence, not at all. Just ways.

Your essence is safe and protected and it's there, germinating.

There will be time to find out what grows.
You're doing it all just right right now.

What's just right is "good enough."

(I know what you mean about church and theology. I'm a UU. For me, it's about community. It's my extended family.)

Hang in,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

Gaining Strength

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Re: good things in our day
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2007, 12:17:40 PM »
Axa and CB - You have both helped me move into a better place.  I am no longer in the crisis mode where you are but I have been there and I lingered there too long because I could not get the help I needed. 

Axa you said, "I guess in the past I would have drowned in the sadness and so do not want to go there again. "  You are very wise to hold that.  It is you who helped me move past that stage.  Somehow I saw that I was looking for rescue from my father or someone who represented my father.  That need or longing for rescue actually kept me stuck.  There is nothing good that comes from being stuck in the sadness. When you say, "Sometimes I push myself on this road which may be a good thing but also I need to be patient with me." I hear a voice of reason that is moving in the right direction.

I have found the analogy of a physical injury to be helpful in finding the appropriate balance between wanting to be further along and being patient.  When I think of my emotional state as having been hit by a mack truck then I can be thankful for my drive to heal that pushes me along the right way through painful physical therapy.  I want it to be over, I want to rush it but I am thankful to be moving in the right direction.  I am thankful to have the drive to do the necessary work to get better.  I stilll long for happiness and I am working hard to overwrite my anxious tapes with images of what it feels like to be happy.  The more I can conjure up the feeling the more helpful it is to move me along the right path.  I keep looking for inspirational stories of people who have overcome great odds and I keep them in mind.  I want to read the book and see the movie "Finding Happyness" about the man who moved from having nothing to being successful.  It is possible to move into happiness and we will get there if we hold this belief.

I have to trust them that they will find their way through this just as I will.  I have to trust them.

This is the hardest thing I have ever done in my whole life.  I have the feeling that it is sucking everything that I am out of me.  All that will be left is skin and lips.
  There will be much more than skin and lips left.  When you are able to let one and then another find their way you will have more and more energy.  As one is successful in find his or her way you will have confidence that another will find his or her way and you will find a little renewal, a bit at a time.  You have never HAD to take care of yourself and now you do.  My heart aches that you have missed another funeral of someone you loved and is such a short period of time.  These are dark days but they will begin to turn.  Look for signs of light and focus on the smallest sign for as long as you can. It will get easier but it will happen gradually and if you don't look for the smallest signs you may miss it.  Hang your hope on the small things - they grow large the more you notice them.

My heart is with you both and my thanks is too. - your friend - gaining strengt


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Re: good things in our day
« Reply #10 on: January 09, 2007, 01:44:04 AM »
Hey All   

I want to focus on holding love in my heart

also not living in fear

I am exercising and keeping good intentions for all

and stop trying to understand people that are confusing me and let it go....



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Re: good things in our day
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2007, 05:27:07 AM »
I think we are all moving, all at our own pace.  Just want to say that all the contributions here are so challenging and helpful.  Such a good place to spend time every day.  Onwards and onward..............
