Author Topic: Free but lost  (Read 1782 times)


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Free but lost
« on: January 16, 2007, 12:14:50 AM »
I have been feeling really angry with my XN. I realized that I passively put up with very controlling behaviour to keep the peace. For instance, he could not stand to hear me talking on the phone because I said "you know ' too much. So I would go to another room.
Although I was working I did all the cooking and shopping and laundry. He was not working.
I paid most of the bills and alll of the large mortgage for years.
He humiliated me in front of his kids by treating me like a servant.
We never went on a vacation but he went on several at my expense.

This sounds really bad I know. Somehow he conned me into it. I feel like such a fool. I was a fool. This went on for years.
I would tell him to leave but he would just tell me I was mentally ill.
It is really just starting to sink in. The extent of the abuse I mean.
We had no sex and yet he flirted with me and had a romantci relationship with his grown up daughter.They would act ecstatically happy together.
I was too afraiid to lose him I guess. So he knew he had me in his grip.
I realize I feel very shamed by this.

I finally did get free and cut him lose but it was like an amputation.
So much of myself is lost and I feel so numb and sad.
Can anyone relate to this???

Sea Storm


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Re: Free but lost
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2007, 05:18:11 AM »

I can.  XN used to comment on how often I used certain words, my response was AND SO?  I wrote in another post today that I cannot believe it was me in that madness.  I think that I was in shock for the past year especially and feel no connection with the person who put up with the shit. 

One of the differences was that XN and I travelled a lot but only to where HE wanted to go.  Because he always knew best.  His boast was that he did great holidays.  Yep, like getting the bus in Italy the wrong way so we ended up in the wrong part of town. ...and not forgetting the morning we ended up at the airport in Rome at 7.00 because he got the day wrong.  That day when we went for something to eat, I c hoose the restaurant (a gift he gave me allowing me that) his food was not good and he told me he was blaming me for the bad food because I had made the choice of restaurant.  What a nutcase.

We had sex about twice in the past year.  He could have been having sex with xwife for all I know and care.  Oh he would flrt and be so physical as long as there was an audience.  The bit about his grown up daughter really rings home to me.  XN had that sort of relationship with his daughter as well.  I know it spooked some of my friends.  They were like a couple, looking in each others eyes, gve me the creeps too I must admit.

I do understand.  I guess in some ways when I threw him out I was clear what a POS he was and I wanted a life.

They are what they are, evil and crazy in a cruel way but what I have found most helpful Sea is to look at myself.  WHat was I doing in there?  I figured it out.  I was in there to punish myself not in a conscious way of course but that is my truth.  I am so sure I do not want to punish myself and feel free rather than loss of him.  My friends ask do I miss him the answer is NO.  I do not miss the lies, cheating abuse etc.

Will you do something for me Sea.  Will you write a post naming what you miss - the good (if there is any) and the bad.  I think in some ways we do miss the abuse and the drama because we have been conditioned to have this in our lives.  I also found it useful everytime I would have a feeling of missing him I would say to myself withouth judgment...very important no judgment... I am missing the abuse.  That really helped me switch something in my head.  I have no doubt XN is out there having a good time, I dont care cause you know something.  I got my life back and I am taking charge of it and it is good.

I went to get some work done on my car yesterday and the guy in the garage said to me "you look wonderful, ten years younger from the last time I saw you a few months ago.  You look like someone "in love"... I laughed and told him I was in love he looked shocked as I know he did not like XN and I continued ..."but with me this time".  Boy did I feel good saying that.

Keep posting Sea, will look out for you.



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Re: Free but lost
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2007, 08:16:31 AM »
You bet, Sea...

I think one thing that can happen (and that you're bravely not doing) is that sometimes when people discover the N phenomeon, so often the shock waves are just incredible...and this huge discovery of the N traits and N behaviors of the N we're leaving or have left or have been left by just goes on forever.

We see their Nstuff. We catalogue. We re-catalog it. We eat dream breathe it. We recatalog it again accordning to the Dewey Decimal System. We list it/them for every new acquaintance or friend in our lives. We narrate it, we tell our dogs. We do that and do that and do that until there is no more shock. "He was an N." "I was abused" become just facts, like I'm from Miissouri or Kansas or Alabama or London is a fact. At that point, it is healed. We might walk with a limp but we're focused on the scenery, not the limp.

Sometimes people don't get to the fact part, though, because they find the intervening step too diffiicult: that's when we recognize the parallel shock...I was drawn to the N. I allowed myself to be abused. If we catalog that, re-catalogues, eat dream breathe it, catalog it again according to the Dewey Decimal System, and share it with any new friends we become close to. And refer to it as often as we need to until it becomes just a fact, like I am 5' 6" is just a fact, or I drive a car, or I read novels is a fact.

THEN we are healed all the way.

So don't beat yourself up, Sea, as familiar as that might feel. You're just cataologuing.

If you skip that step, as some people do, then you can spend many years on an N hunt, and N-spotting and indignation and rage about Ns, and suspicion of practically everyone you meet can sour you. Whereas, after BOTH kinds of cataloguing, you'll be able to spot red flags in others and in yourself as automatically as a skilled driver chooses to go right around obstacles, or use the turn signal or seat belt. Autmomatically healthy and self-protective behaviors will become your new norm.

You're absolutely on the way, I know it.


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Re: Free but lost
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2007, 08:29:05 AM »
« Last Edit: February 06, 2007, 02:34:22 AM by CB123 »
When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Free but lost
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2007, 08:49:09 AM »
You have a SELF.
You are you regardless of what someone else thinks, or how they judge.

other people's opinions are not you

you have a self

other people's opinions are not who you are...

Make sense?

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Free but lost
« Reply #5 on: January 16, 2007, 11:22:12 AM »
Sea Storm,

I think when one has been so enmeshed with a bloody N for so long that it does feel like an amputation.  Finding and loving your self is the hard work that lies ahead but it is THE way.  Remember if you had gangerene in your limb you would be in agreement to cut it off because it is what would save your life.

xxxxxxxxxxand hugs



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Re: Free but lost
« Reply #6 on: January 16, 2007, 09:41:45 PM »
Thank you all who replied. Such good hearted and wise counsel.

I am letting go of N finally. I am at the point where I can't go back anymore to the way things used to be.

In therapy I am blessed with a great therapist. She is just now after 12 sessions beginning to ask why I stayed. She is not judging me or saying why didn't you leave?  I realize that I believed that a relationship is worth ANY cost. And the cost kept escalating.  Slowly we are going through the relationships I have had with men. They defineately form a pattern where I gave myself away until there was little self left. No wonder I feel frightened and alone. I abandoned MYSELF. I don't want to ever do that again.
This sounds straight forward and intellectual but there were many tears shed.

The trail goes back to my N mother and I don't feel quite ready to grapple with that one yet. What a legacy. Sentencing a child to seek out partners who will use and abuse her.  I don't feel like it is too late for me. I don't care about a relationship with a man again. This has been one too many. I just want peace.
There are no more morning of waking up sobbing. No more thoughts of suicide and hopelessness. I am moving on. Wow. I didn't think I could do it.  Thank you for your love and help.

Sea storm


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Re: Free but lost
« Reply #7 on: January 16, 2007, 10:00:24 PM »
I just read all of this thread and I was so struck by what a SMART group we are. Sea, leah, CB, axa, hops, - WE ARE MAKING THE RIGHT DECISIONS NOW!!!!!
I never did marry an N... I thank God for that. But in accepting a relationship, you always have the hope that you did make the right choice and that the signs are just mistakes... You don't want to think you made such a bad judgment. But it happens. And you made a decision that enough was enough.
Love you all and so proud to be part of this group and this board.
Love, Beth
"There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable." Douglas Adams


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Re: Free but lost
« Reply #8 on: January 16, 2007, 10:31:39 PM »

Me, TOO!!!!

...and Seastorm,

I'm so PROUD of you!

When they are older and telling their own children about their grandmother, they will be able to say that she stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her way -- and it surely has not -- she adjusted her sails.  Elizabeth Edwards 2010


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Re: Free but lost
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2007, 01:02:32 AM »
I was surprised to hear the positive feedback and the caring from you guys.
Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.  This is the hardest thing I have done in my life.

I know that I made a poor decision in choosing N. It was a dreadful decision. I htought I was really strong and could do it. Boy was I wrong. I made a mistake. I am very smart and clever and all that but in this area I am emoionally stunted. On the other hand N was my dream come true. He seemed to be everything I wanted in life. Our dard sides conspired to create a nightmare as time went on. I was so lost in it all.
In a way, I would not have chosen to end it but it HAD to end because it woas getting worse and worse and I no longer even imagined that I could control what was happening.
I feel like I have another chance now. TO b4e real, alive, creative, spontaneous and free. I didn't know the damage all his control was having. Maybe a teeny idea but now I know it was HUGE.

Sea storm