I am not satisfied with the good ol' boy system I find myself in (the South--big time). He, to his credit, heard me and expressed relief that we have a few more days to work through my concerns.
Ooo, sorry. The migraine. But that is sos so sos so so so so so awesome.
And YAY, Good Ole Attorney, too. Clearly he has a kind heart and Good Ole Boys are always learninig too. That's so wonderful. Seems to me that all he needed was awareness, and with your assertiveness (okay, your frantic signals), you gave that to him. It doesn't come automatically in a culture (I'm in the south too) that doesn't teach men to perceive how unconsciously even good men in positions of authority can dismiss women's needs, or patronize. What a good man, to hear you and support you.
I feel for men in the south. They inherited a complicated code, where gentlemanliness can disguise patronizing, and good intentions can be obscured by a gentlemanly code of conduct that assumes that most other men are gentlemanly too (iow the psychologist's blinders slipping back on after the truth of his discussion of stbxN with you. His internal monologue, if conscious at all, was probably, let me back off now and just pat my brother on the wrist, so he'll be a Good Ole Boy too like most of us, and co-parent nicely....
SO wonderful that your lawyer gets it and is going to do something about it.
You are amazing. I've never seen such courage and determination.
This is going to reward you for the rest of your life, Axa. And your children too.