Hello all:
I've started a new thread because I feel that if I say this in response to a particular comment, it may be taken as confrontational. I don't mean that.
But I've been reading over the past day or two a lot of posts about narcissistic mothers and various responses to them. About forgiveness and validation. And this has been unexpectedly upsetting to me. Perhaps I simply don't belong here anymore, because my own narcissistic mother is gone, and so I am no longer subjected to the day-to-day stress of dealing with her or putting myself back together after having dealt with her. I don't know.
But I do know that there are many responses one can have to a narcissistic parent. There are degrees of narcissism, and degrees of response to narcissism. Family relationships are complicated, and everyone places slightly different value on them. We all know this.
What I want to say is this: I chose to try to love my mother. I chose to try to help her. And I will not feel weak, or self-abusive, or victimized because I did so. I made every one of those choices freely, and I don't regret any of them. I chose to remain engaged with her, and to have the best relationship I could with her. I do not categorize that as toxic hope. I chose to forgive her and to arm myself with the knowledge that she had done--and would probably continue to do--things that required forgiveness. I didn't expect or ask her to change. I expected and asked myself to change, and the changes I could make gave me the ability to care about her and value her while preserving, I think, a clear knowledge of who she was (at least, as far as her treatment of me was concerned).
I don't say this to criticize or blame any of you who choose a different course. You are who you are, and I really don't know what you've had to deal with. But I had to say this, because a lot of what has been written here lately makes me feel somehow accused of being weak or stupid or masochistic. I know no one is speaking to my situation directly, which is why I'm not speaking to anyone's post directly.
But please, I ask you to remember that not all choices other than yours are toxic or simply evidence of one's unenlightened preference for victimhood.