hi gaining strength,
some reflections on what u said about your borderline mate
would make everything out to be your fault...
i am not sure but seems to me that borderline aspects sometimes
in certain moods might blame themselves
as borderlines romantic relationship i think has this dynamic
where they do these sudden shifts where the partner is really wonderful
in not so much the hidden manipulative ways of a narcissist
but more heavily into how the partner is mr wonderful
and then can shift into where the partner is terrible
but in that mix i think borderlines are more likely to talk about being at fault....
and really be down on themselves
where a narcissist would not as likely do such, think
in one of my relationships, i think she was probably a narcissist borderline
and would blame herself and get down on herself
and sometimes i was so wonderful
probably coz i really am

but then she could shift to where i was lousy and rotten...
when i recently came across the concept of narcissist borderline
it seemed as if it might better fit her than just a borderline...
but it might well be that your mate was narcissist borderline
and always blamed the other.....
..i just didnt fit into some of my notions and so i thought i would comment