Hi all
(old thread I was thinking of mum)

I was just wondering about teenagers...... They are all individuals right .
Teenagers are finding themselves they need to pull away from mom and dad to look inside and see what is truth for them.
And they can say things that are loud and a wee bit mean .If and only if they have not been controlled all their life and have been given there voice
and respect and real love and caring .
Helping them when they ask and giving them room to voice their feelings even if they can get a little loud is not a bad thing.
there exists no terror or fear between us .
And MR MOON and I have raised our kids without physical abuse imagine that...
I almost forgot Mr m and I do not expect our children to take care of our emotions......
I respect my children and they know this and they trust me.This is so good It is that unconditional love thing really works well........
My teenager can be loud (also her music) sometimes but other times I see her grow strong and straight and not afraid of the world....
my post is really about compassion and judgments....................My kids have seen Mr m and I disagree and then we resolve our problems.
Should children be raised to think they will never experience disagreements with loved ones???????
p.s. teenagers will always find something to rebel against as it should be......
Any thoughts about what teens need really my question is do all teenagers raise their voices to their parents at times is this normal some times?????
The thought to disagree or raise my voice as a teenager did not occur to me I was too sc