Going back onto hearing the voice. Shortly after I met XN he went on holiday with his D and I went with my sister and her hubby. We agreed to meet in Italy and spend time together. XN turned up as promised and we went off with D. He travelled a significant way to be with me which of course flattered me. I went off with him and D
Each evening we would go out for dinner. My idea of a nice evening is take a stroll, have a drink in a cafe, choose a restaurant, take time over dinner and maybe take a walk later.
When we would go for dinner it was like a race to see who could eat the fastest and off somewhere else for desert. There was no soaking up the atmosphere or anything like that. One evening I pointed out to them that I would like a pre dinner drink and would head off on my own, if they did not want to come, and meet with them in the restaurant. I was happy to sit in one of the cafes on the beach front and sip a glass of wine, observing the world going by. XN said no he would come as he did not like the idea of me being on my own in a cafe !!!!! I had a drink while he and D waited anxiously then we went to restaurant, I suggested we take our time over dinner, they were hungry so there was no hangin about. We went out for a walk on the beach front and D said she wanted to go into a small place which had some gaming machines, fruit machines etc.... lots of familiies in there having fun. I hate places like this.
We went in, she was playing some sort of driving game and I decided I did not like the place. I called XN aside and said that I would wait for them in the cafe next door and they could come when they were finished having fun. I walked out the door. XN came after me and screamed in my face about how mean I was to his D that I would not stay and watch her play her games. All I wanted was drink and this poor girl who had been abandoned by her mother only wanted me to watch her for a while. I was stunned. I remember walking away, going to cafe sitting down and having a very STIFF drink. I thought I am getting out of here tomorrow. This is crazy. D did not see any of this happening.
After some time he came back with D. I did not speak to them, went back to hotel and went to bed. Next morning I said I did not feeel like breakfast as I wanted some time to think about what went on. (A healthy person would have just packed and left) He went to breakfast with D, they came back to hotel room and D said "Daddy says that you might leave us, please do not leave us". He had primed her to plead with me. Of course I stayed. Needless to say I was "love bombed for the next while.
There was my voice which shouted at me four weeks into the relatiohsip and I did not listen. I recall that after that episode he became very "loving in a sexual way" as if he knew that he needed to groom me further. That of course did not last either.