Dear Sandra,
My mother began at around 70 to have "last trips to Europe". There were five, I think.
Then she began to have "this is it" illnesses. She has the constitution of a Clydesdale.
When what was left of my inner child began to stir in rebellion, she'd pull the "I may not be around that much longer" card.
So I'd subside, stifle it, paste the smile back on, feel guilty, feel sick with resentment but be afraid to name that to myself because it produced more guilt.
I'm now 56. She's 96. She eats like a Percheron. She's only become less powerful in the last year.
I finally blew up at her when she was 95. All the boundaries I should've set all along got set in one out of control yelling fit.
For what my tale might be worth...
You have one precious life. You do not have to put owning your own life on hold because your mother wants you to. does not matter when you start defining boundaries and taking your life back. It only matters that you DO it.
How to start?
Type "boundaries in relationships" into a search engine, print out the list of good boundaries (it's also in our What Helps forum somewhere)--and POST IT where you read it every day.
Take an assertiveness training class. Take it again. (You'll have support.)
Keep posting here.
Take every opportunity, small or large, to set new limits. Follow through.
Don't worry about how long it's been, this time is yours, it's now, it belongs to you, and your life is yours.
You can do it. And if you do it sooner than in your 50s, I know you will be glad.