......here I am in a more jovial mood and I have forgotten so MUCH, I cannot believe it.It took me over an hour to think of these things.
· Re Lunch. If I ate without him, cuz he said he was busy, he got mad. If I waited for him, he said that I could go ahead and eat…he was a big boy and could reheat the soup…….. what did I NEED?…….. SOMEONE TO SPOON FEED ME? That's crazymaking!!!!!!
· Re the wheelchair, and he goes to the basement and turns off the hot water, re the characters living in attached apt and never turned it back on until HE was going to shower and I had to wait…
couldn’t order him around. Some days had to go without a bath, as he would sleep in.
· Closet: Would SWIPE the clothing all over to my side, scrunching everything of mine, just to find a sweater that was on the shelf above. I would straighten things out, but finally moved all my clothing to a spare bedroom closet. (Eventually, and I did it myself, i had switched dressers and other stuff so that all I did was share his bed and if he was in ANYway crazy, I was in the next room.)
· He would hide the remote controls downstairs where I couldn’t get them. I scarcely watched TV for 4˝ years, unless he ‘ordered’ me to watch a show, of his choice, with him.
· He had a separate entrance for his shop downstairs and could have used it, but always used the back door of the house, into the kitchen and would immediately put whatever on the kitchen table. Finally the table would be heaped and he wouldn’t move all the computers and monitors, so I would carry them on my lap to the top of the stairs, one tower at a time, one monitor, at a time and clear things up, so I could have a coffee at the table instead of the counter.
· We were stuck in the snow once
(ha ha he got stuck) I suggested using his floor pad under the offending back tire for grip. He said it wouldn’t work. Nothing worked. He finally used the floor pad for grip and it worked. After the fact it was HIS idea!
· He sold a computer to an 80-Year old woman who wanted instruction. He said he knew someone (me) who
just happened to live in his house. Molly and I spent a lot of time together and she verified that he didn’t consider me his S/O. So I think he also said this to the neighbours and added something awful, as they scarcely said “Hi” when I did. A gift to the newborn next door resulted in a Thank You note, just to HIM.
Well I said i didn't want to go back and you see, for any of you newbies, I cannot, as I have put most of that crap behind me, and 4˝ years later the list above is only 'funny', and far too short, in comparison to the actual acts and feelings of the time.
Like, it's over!Do you newbies hope for that? It will happen because I am the most '
disturbed person on this Board, and it worked for me.
