hi seastorm,
Just think about anything that is dragging you down and making you feel awful............................who put that on your shoulders?You don't own it----it is his to bear!! Dump it!
That's what I'm trying to do now--is think of anything, shame-wise, whatever, that I don't own and put it where it belongs, with my father, the beatings, the lack of love,--my mother, the lack of protection for a powerless little girl, withholding her love and guidance--- the tauntings and ridicule from my siblings---------------cuz we were never raised to love one another, therefore Parents ultimately own the shame.
If you read about my so-called Christian sister,----it was her shame that she dumped on me to get me to go out that night with her husband, her and his best friend---and I read today that the shame can be 40 years old and still be first recognized. After that filthy email she wrote, that I posted, she did not acknowledge the incident: she attacked me: projection.
I gather we can choose to put the shame where it belongs and rid ourselves of it.
With your abusive husband, it is HIS shame that he does what he does, and then dumps it on you, likely blaming you to your face, and many of us here our likely as heavy-laden as the next one.
I was teasing about the posture brace---for someone all bent over from the weight of the baggage we carry around--- useless stupid baggage, loaded onto our shoulders from whatever age and I know my age was very young!
it's 10:00 pm PST and my dinner is ready!
I love living alone. I can do what, when I want to
Oh yes you are PST as well.