Have a listenYou and That Damned Truck
© Izzy 1999
You came home last month with my competition
That old red pickup with the bad transmission
Four bald tires and a cracked manifold
I hate it with a passion if the truth be told.
Before I could blink the carburetor
Was strewn in pieces on the kitchen table
The brakes needed shoes-- the kids did too
When I wanted lovin', it only proved
You and That Damned Truck
It'll be the end of us
More trouble than it’s worth
It always comes first
It's been-- too long--that--I've cursed
You and That Damned Truck!
When you towed it ho-me you left it parked
Smack dab in the middle of the neighbour's front yard
Broken parts and empty cans of beer
Mark a tra-il from there to here
Greasy handprints on the kitchen door and
A rusty fender on the living room floor
Use -less junk and bills pile up
We're goin' to the poor house in That Damned Truck
You and That Damned Truck
It'll be the end of us
More trouble than it’s worth
It always comes first
It's been-- too long--that--I've cursed
You and That Damned Truck!
It's Saturday ni-ght, you promised we'd go
To dinner then dancin' or the picture show
I'm home with the sitter 'cause the truck broke down
You called from a phone booth twenty miles from town
I sent the neighbour to pick you up
But you wouldn't come ho-me without that truck
You've gone overboard with this obsession
If the Damned thing blew up it would be a blessin'
You and That Damned Truck
It'll be the end of us
More trouble than it’s worth
It always comes first
It's been-- too long--that--I've cursed
You and That Damned Truck!
You and That Damned Truck!!!!