hi Beth,
When I was , say, 33-47, I did my parents' Income Tax Returns. Doing them was the only way i could spend time with them, as it was 'business'.
One time as I sat at the table with them, there was a 'break'. I suddenly asked, 'Did you two ever love me?" (I have no idea where that came from) Dad got up and walked out of the room and Mom just sat there and said nothing. What to do? Get back to the taxes.
In 1986, I was 47 and Dad was in the hospital dying from prostate cancer. I drove to the hospital to have him sign the returns, which he did very shakily and then I left. nothing else transpired between us.
I felt very hardened after all this from childhood onward.
Just an Note: After 3 months in the hospital, Dad was at home and Mom nursed him. I went to visit him once, happened to be the day before he died (as well another sister had to travel hundreds of miles to see him. She arrived that night.) We were the last two to come and I thiink that is what he was waiting for, as he was nothing but a skeleton with skin, and Mom sat outside his bedroom door (To me it felt like she was guarding/protecing/ him.) He couldn't speak and I have no idea what I said to him, but it was nothing cruel.
EDIT: Just for the hell of it, it was one of those whatevers, that have hair, teeth and bone in it. Like I ate my twin Ha Ha! Stephen King's Dark Side.