Thank you tt, and Margo
I just hope I live long enough to meet me!
I hope I live long enough to meet you too!
We're cute!
Deb: Your story is heart-wrenching. I can tell. I won't ask you any more about it, but I wonder how I would be in such a situation, when I would be already shutdown.dissocated.disconnected.everything locked up tight inside.
If one's familiy and friends don't know about "shutting down" they might think the other to be cruel and heartless.
At this point I am 2000 miles away from everyone.
The people here don't know my past, only my therapist and she is calling it heavy-duty stuff!
I have been very introspective today, thinking about my brother, the youngest, and my sister, between us, are coming to see me in AUGUST. Ever since I was told about this visit, I have been edgy. I don't know whether to be as usual with them, or tell them the truth. If/Since they were not as affected by the family dysfunction as was I, I doubt they will understand.
I am SO familar with people, who have not walked a mile in my shoes, who don't understand.
One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and be understood~~~Seneca
Love Izzy