Dear Izzy,
I admire your search into the roots of shame and into your family roots.
Lots of thing you said fit my paternal grandmother and my father:
She always scared me.
she never mentions my mother nor her grandchildren
Her idea of visiting was for Dad to go see her one Sunday, while Mom stayed home with the kids
My grandmother was a very selfish woman. I didn't like her. When ever my sister and I saw her, my father always instructed us to "kiss grandma". Yuch, I didn't want to. I didn't like her.
My grandma, like yours, manipulated my father and give him negative feelings and thoughts about my mother, my sister and myself.
My grandmother was a witch. Sounds like yours was too. As I reflect on my foo disfunction, I KNOW FOR SURE that grandma had a big hand in passing on and creating further disfunction in my foo. That's what witches do.
If Grandma was opposed to her son having 5 children, for financial reasons, she might have said so and Dad ended up beating us.
· I saw Dad as a frustrated and ANGRY man who went into violent rages—at whom—little kids, or at his mother?--and he always complained about no money!
EXACTLY!! Your grandmother manipulated your father and I'm sure she was responsible (in part if not in whole) for the rage he inflicted on you. She set the fire under him, he smoldered and you got burnt.
I plan on trying to think lighter on my dad and mom, while I work on what my shame is. I have to believe that my parents were not aware how abusively they acted. They did what they with whatever came to mind, not realizing the impact from a very early and onward. When I was 40, my mother was still telling me what to do and what not to do.
This is also true. They knew not the damage they caused and most likely did it unintentionally and unconsciously. Nonetheless, they did cause damage and we are the results of their damage, just as our parents were the results of their parent's damage.
I think we have to look at this stuff and see it for what it was. Abuse passed down through the generations. Over and over again. Inability to face up to the truth just perpetuates it. It doesn't go away if you don't face it. We all know that here. Brave people here.
I think these letters you have are a real gift.
Amen, Pennyplant.
Last night, I was talking with my Nsister about our deceased Nmom. N sister (who practically spent her life arguing, fighting and opposing Nmom and causing Nmom grief) has now changed her tune re: N mom. When I pointed out Nmom's destructive characteristics, Nsister made many excuses for both Nmom and Ndad, most prominent one was "they grew up during the Depression".
OK, it is true that they grew up during the Depression, but now that I'm aware of trans-generational foo disfunction and Nism, I no longer accept that as an excuse for their destructive behavior. My parent's destructive behavior towards my sister and I wasn't the "result" of growing up during the Depression; rather, it was the result of trans-generational N foo disfunction and their unawareness, unconsciousness about it. My N sister wants to make excuses for the trans-generational N foo disfunction, but I can't. I do feel compassion for my parents and ancesters in that they were SOOOO unconscious of the disfunction and resulting damage. However, I CANNOT make excuses for them being unconscious and unwilling to admit and try to stop the disfunction and resulting damage.
So, what I'm saying is I have compassion for their unconsciousness, but I can't excuse it. Does that make sense?
Izzy, what an adorable child you were. Love the photos.