Thinking of Joining?
Before joining a group, consider spending a few hours looking back through the group's archives. That should give you a good feel for the way members are treated.
Then ask yourself:
Is the group generally happy and supportive? Does it give off a good vibe?
Are newcomers welcomed warmly, or snapped at for asking boring 'newbie' questions?
Is there an in-group or a guru figure dominating all discussion?
Does the site appear to be biased?
Is anyone criticising the quality of information provided by the group? Or challenging the integrity of the group itself?
Are people who express unorthodox views attacked or ridiculed, perhaps even banned outright.
Is the group being whipped into an emotional turmoil by an attention-seeking member, who posts about unbelievably bizarre health dramas or highly improbable accidents (Feldman, 2000; Feldman, 2004).
The group is dividing into warring factions and members are being pressed to take sides. Anyone who tries to stay neutral is cold-shouldered.
You find yourself getting upset by posts, or by private messages from other members.
These days, the group seems more aggressive, and you are not happy with the change.
When checking for messages, you sometimes feel a sense of unease, perhaps even dread. When replying, you feel as if you're walking on eggshells.
Is there a high turn-over of members? If yes, can you see any obvious and worrying reason for this?
Do departing members sound angry or disillusioned?
If someone takes offence, does the list-owner or a moderator step in quickly to calm things down?
Do you feel that the members are being 'babied' emotionally? Would you be happier with a more impersonal approach?
Do most of the members seem the kind of people you'd be happy chatting with?
If the signs aren't promising, it's best to keep searching. If the group sounds right, then dive in and make yourself at home!
Beder, J. (2005): Cybersolace: Technology Built on Emotion. Social Work, Vol. 50 Issue 4, 355-358
Silver, M. (2004): E-Comfort, Online Help. U.S. News & World Report, 4/5/2004, Vol. 136 Issue 11, 64
White, B.J., Madara, E.J., Editors (2002): The Self-Help Group Sourcebook: Your Guide to Community & Online Support Groups. Denville, American Self-Help Group Clearinghouse