Author Topic: SHAME, SHAME, SHAME  (Read 2384 times)


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« on: March 04, 2007, 05:32:59 AM »
How many times are the members of this board going to make the same mistake over and over before they learn?

Some of you guys have been here for a really long time.

You guys are incredible!

You know, I've watched it happen so many times it's almost comical.  Over and over again.  You guys have such high expectations of everyone else but yourselves.

You talk the talk but don't walk the walk.  See now, someones gonna come on over hear and complain I'm scaring away the newcomers!

Hypocrites.  Sure, you'll lynch somenoe familiar but the moment someone complains about it, you'll talk about the "newcomers" or the good of the board.

What nonsense.

And don't even comment that I should reveal myself!

Wouldn't I be a fool.  So you can do that same thing to me that you ALWAYS DO??????

You push people away.  You ostracize them.  You gather in groups in the face of their pain.  You create bad people and good people.  You turn a deaf ear to someone who is hurting.   You become righteous and indignant.  You're so loud and full of histronics, you can't hear anything anyone else is saying.  You cower in the corner.  You run away.  You come out fighting.  You take sides.

You do this every single time there is a conflict, big or small.  So predictable.

When will you learn.  When?

People leave here, this board, in tears, in pain, with a heavy heart and scars and you just want to be left in peace to talk about your "situations" and your problems but never do a damn thing about it.

You can't even be caring, supportive, loving, honest, upfront, humble, giving,  to someone online - it's no wonder.  It is no wonder.

And don't you even get me started on you so-called Christians!  Cut throat and arrogant, that's what you are!

How many times will it go down before some one here will open their eyes?

"Innocent" Bystanders


What about all the innocent bystanders? What can you expect from them? In a word, nothing.

The most deplorable thing about narcissistic  - (or any) - abuse is the bystanders' reaction to it. It can end your naïveté and turn you into a cynic overnight. The universal complaint of those targeted by narcissists i(abuse) s that they are universally abandoned. But let this fact comfort you. It's not because of something wrong with you, it's because of something wrong with them.

Something that, perhaps for lack of a better name, has been dubbed Normal Personality Disorder ;-)

First let's understand this phenomenon. I warn you that doing so is painful. But from this understanding you can gain some guidance on where to look for help and where to place your trust — in outsiders, not insiders.

Thou shalt not be a victim. Thou shalt not be a perpetrator. Above all, thou shalt not be a bystander— Israeli historian Yahuda Bauer
as quoted on the wall of United States Holocaust Memorial, Washington, D.C.

People are like sheep. When a wolf approaches, you think they are blissfully unaware of his presence, but they are studying his every move. By showing no alarm, each sheep is just being careful to draw no attention to itself. The moment the wolf sets the evil eye on one of their number, the rest explode in all directions away from that lamb. In other words, they leave the victim to the wolf.

Which is to say that they abandon the lamb to the wolf. They betray (hand over) the lamb to the wolf. They sacrifice the lamb to the wolf. Don't tell me fifty sheep couldn't stand off a wolf, because they could. They just don't. Later, they come back to graze upon that very spot as if Lamb never existed.

History is replete with examples the human race doing the same thing. The most ironic famous example is what happened to Jesus of Nazareth. The same people who thronged to welcome him crying, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" one day abominated him crying "Crucify him!" the next. All because the wind shifted. So, they couldn't get close enough to him one day, and they couldn't distance themselves from him enough the next.


"It is very tempting to take the side of the perpetrator. All the perpetrator asks is that the bystander do nothing. He appeals to the universal desire to see, hear, and speak no evil. The victim, on the contrary, asks the bystander to share the burden of pain. The victim demands action, engagement, and remembering" — Judith Herman, Harvard psychiatrist, as quoted by Kenneth Pope in "Torture," a chapter in the Encyclopedia of Women and Gender 

The same thing happens in every purge, pogrom, persecution, and witch hunt. People behave like unsupervised children do when a school-yard bully sets the evil eye on one of them. In fact, bullies quickly learn to exploit this behavior. The Lord of the Flies is a brilliant, sad, and enlightening novel (also made into a movie) that explores this phenomenon.

Before you know it, the bully is constantly picking on somebody. Why? To periodically make an example of what happens to anyone he sets the evil eye on. In other words, your little school-yard bully is now a terrorist. He is victimizing one kid to control the others. And he does so just frequently enough to maintain the atmosphere of terror he thrives on.

He deliberately targets the last ones to deserve his hatred, because that shows the others that they needn't give him any reason to attack. He is so wild that he is likely to just go off at anyone. This makes the other children fall all over themselves to ingratiate themselves to him. They are so anxious to kiss up that they take advantage of opportunities to be seen by him abusing his victim themselves. So, he can sic them like a pack of hounds on anyone he wants.

How do the other children justify taking no action against the terrifying bully and persecuting the victim instead? The same way the terrifying bully does — by blaming the victim. How do they deal with their guilt? The same way the terrifying bully does — by projection. Onto the victim, of course. So, the victim gets to be, not only the victim of their sins, but also the one punished for them to boot.

To "rationalize" (= irrationalize) what they're doing, the bystanders twist their thinking to pervert everything, so that anything the victim does is somehow wrong and everything the terrifying bully does is somehow excusable. They do this by looking on what the wild one does like those three famous apes...

See No Evil, Hear No Evil, and Speak No Evil

This is the worst form of lying, and to do it one must pervert the very mind to think something utterly absurd. Frankly, I don't understand how people can have so little self respect that they can bear to make such fools of themselves. But they do.

Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.—Voltaire

We see an example of this today in people making excuses (and blaming the victim) even for the sickening actions of Islamist terrorists whose behavior is the blatantly psychotic crime against humanity of indiscriminate mass murder of people for being the wrong kind.

And the kicker is the flagrant double standard: if the victim lifts a finger to defend himself, those "innocent" bystanders suddenly come to and scream bloody murder.

Is this Comedy Central, or what? They condemn the victim as evil for "attacking" the poor Islamists (waging war on him). This farce is extreme perversity, what Biblical theologians identify as the Sin of Sodom = "forcing someone to bend over for it." Christian theology marks it as the "outrage that cries out to the top of Heaven for vengeance."

Notice what these "innocent" bystanders are doing. They're awarding the bully the status of a child = one not responsible for his own behavior, one who may lay the blame for everything he does on someone else. In other words, the terrifying bully can do no wrong. Thus they absolve him of responsibility for whatever he does. No matter what, it is always the victim's fault for making him mad.

Every bully and rapist and wife-beater says the same thing. Boys will be boys. What he did to her is her fault. She must dress so as to control his sexual appetite for him (by looking like a sack of potatoes). In the same way, we make Islamo-fascists mad by not letting Osama bin Laden dictate our foreign policy = making him mad by not letting him be our slave master. We mustn't set these wild people off by making them mad. Every time they throw a terror tantrum, it's our fault.

No matter what the context, it's always the same old story: Blame the Victim. That way, the wild one gets to do whatever he wants and have somebody else be to blame for it. Now that's infallibility.

So, your "innocent" bystanders aren't innocent at all. Sad fact, but true. They're collaborators.

Are they all crazy? No, they are just actors. They are playing 'Pretend.' They are pretending that they don't know any better. They are pretending that black is white and that up is down. They are pretending that they really are the nice people they're portraying and that the story is true.

So long as the house lights are down and the outside world (the audience) is out of sight and out of mind, they are in their own upside-down little world. A Wonderland where anti-logic is logic, where foul is fair, and vice versa. Where their absurd charade is 'their' reality.

They are just being politically correct in their pretend world, which is a virtual reality that their virtual conspiracy enacts.

If the outside world intrudes on their play though, they'll check back into their senses instantly. Why? Because they know outsiders have nothing to gain by pretending they're too stupid to know better. So the actors know outsiders won't buy it. That's why the moment outsiders show up, the actors immediately drop character and behave as though they've been caught naked.


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« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2007, 05:59:26 AM »
"Character assassination assails with asymmetrical attacks that deny the target any chance to defend himself. In other words, it's moral mayhem because the victim is disabled somehow and therefore unable to defend himself.

Mayhem is the crime that denies people the most basic human right — the right to a defense. The character assassin pulls this off by attacking so as to have his unanswered say. The victim knows he's being destroyed but can do nothing about it because he is being prevented from confronting his accuser.

Character assassins get their unanswered say by accusing you behind your back. If you try to defend yourself by going to people and raising the subject, you risk spreading lies about yourself. It's a Catch-22.

Besides, nobody will admit they've heard these lies. It's a Catch-22.

And nobody will change their minds, no matter what you say and what proof you offer.


Because if they know you they shouldn't have believed it, and they don't want to admit they believed something that bad about you.

They don't want to hear you defend yourself by citing all the reasons why the accusations are preposterous, because they don't want to admit even to themselves that they believed accusations that are preposterous.

They don't want to admit that they believed a lie about you just because it was juicy. So they firmly dummy-up and view it as believable. No matter what. Reason gets nowhere with them. It's a Catch-22.

In fact, people will get mad at you for trying to talk to them about it. They will do whatever it takes to alienate you so you stay away. They will act like YOU are the vicious character assassin, condemning anything you do to try to defend yourself. It's a Catch-22.

 Thus they revictimize you by denying you any chance to defend yourself. You're supposed to be a good boy and just bend over for it.

 And then they say, "Since he has kept silent about this, he must be guilty." Ah, perversity is endless, eh?


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« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2007, 07:49:23 AM »
I took the time to read all of this, and REALITY CHECK, you said a MOUTHFUL here!


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« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2007, 08:38:16 AM »
I am struck by the comments about bystanders.  I have often wondered how different life would be if bystanders had intervened on my behalf to save me from the N abuse.  I have come to so complicated conclusions.  But concerning this board they do not apply for the reasons I will lay out forthwith.

In this forum we are by our own admission and by our common interest, people who have had horrible experieces at the hands of people who were unable to experience empathy.  We have been used for the furtherance of anothers desires. Most of us consider ourselves the victims of abuse.

We are wounded and we are hurt - and the horrible N behavior came out of horrible abuse to begin with.  Abuse begets abuse.

However a very real difference between life on this board and life in the real world is that we can simply turn the computer off.  If you say something that offends me I can shut the computer down.  In life we could not simply shut the door or walk away but we can do that here. 

One lone soldier cannot an argument make.  If someone rattles your cage leave them alone - don't respond, don't fight.  They cannot do anything other than type words here.  If someone posts offensive words we actully have a choice of taking offense or not.  I choose to not take offense.  You can choose that as well.

The universal complaint of those targeted by narcissists i(abuse) s that they are universally abandoned.
You make excellent points about the abandonment experienced by many here.  It is a powerful charge.  But I saw person after person being chopped to pieces while trying to calm things down.  At some point the responce became hysterical and there was no mitgating anything and at that point everyone has a right to protect themselves.  According to your theory a turtle should sacrifice its shell. - Not this one.


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« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2007, 09:00:20 AM »
Wow that was a tirade!  And for the most part quite true.  Except the part about the bystanders not protecting the victim.  If I saw someone getting picked on I would try to stand up for them.  Problem is the fight is about something I have no idea about.  I do not know who you know who is and I do not know who is involved.  All I know is there are a couple of really mad people!  So I just sit back and let it all blow over.  It always does.


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« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2007, 11:17:06 AM »
Attempting to globally shame the whole board for the actions of two people seems like a hostile and overblown act.

What exactly is your hope of an outcome with a post like this?

Shame is a very intense accusation. Why would you be the "one" who gets to judge that shame is appropriate for anyone here?

"All things not at peace will cry out." Han Yun

"He who angers you conquers you." - Elizabeth Kenny


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« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2007, 12:29:09 PM »
Dandylife - perhaps REALITY CHECK felt attacked by the battle and wounded that noone on the board came to the rescue.  I have learned that we tend to see what we have experienced in the past - until we can heal our deepest wounds our vision is restricted.  Perhaps REALITY CHECK experienced this battle much the same as REALITY CHECK experienced terrible emotional abuse in the home.  I suspect the shame belongs to those who abused REALITY CHECK initially rather than to those of us here but I also suspect that REALITY CHECK is not able to differentiate between the two - for good cause.  That differentiation is a gift from healing.  I wish REALITY CHECK a speedy journey along the road to healing.

Meanwhile, I'm staying in my shell.  God gave it to me for good reason. - Turtle


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« Reply #7 on: March 04, 2007, 02:39:03 PM »
It's not about coming  to the rescue.

It's not about shaming, but that's the title given to this thread to get the attention of the member.

It's about being accountable.

It's about seeing the whole picture, not just one side.

It's about being NEUTRAL.



It's about opening your ears and trying to hear BOTH SIDES.

It's about trying to understand.

It's funny, so funny, at the height of conflict the most common phrase is:  Well, I don't really know what's going on . . .

No one ever says:  Talk to me; what is going on?

In this last conflict I believe I read at least three threads that said EXACTLY what the person was upset about but still twenty people say, Hmm, I'm not sure what is going on.

Listen, the problem here is that this is a forum of people who have serious trust issues and intimacy issues and at the very hint of anyone's pain, every one runs for cover or armor.

The people who come and say, WEll, you're not talking to me . . . then why respond and defend yourself?

What truth are you hearing that compels you to respond?

People say, WEll, we're being drawn into the conflict.

No you're not.

You wnat to be.  Otherwise you wouldn't respond.  You wouldn't come in the frey.

What I see is that people want the problem to go away so that they can go back to whatever they're doing.

Think back to your childhood:  WAS THIS DONE TO YOU?

The explanations of why this isn't true mean nothing to me because no one is willing to explore how this could be true!!!!

And come on with the owe this coudl have been said a better way.

This board needs a wake up call.

You guys defend yourselves so harshly because there is a part that KNOWS IT'S THE TRUTH,

I guess you'll just keep hurting others here and in real space until you figure that out.

I guess you'll just keep hurting yourself.


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« Reply #8 on: March 04, 2007, 02:44:23 PM »
You are talking about talking about it.

This is just nonsense diversion from the issue as far as I can tell.

Accountability = "I am responsible for _." "I feel _."

Not "you should feel (shame) ___"

If you feel something regarding this issue, it's perfectly fine to articulate that. But don't dump blame and shame on anyone else.

"All things not at peace will cry out." Han Yun

"He who angers you conquers you." - Elizabeth Kenny


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« Reply #9 on: March 04, 2007, 02:47:40 PM »
oh, by the way, in this very thread:

Analyzing, instead of an invitation to talk about what's going on.  REALITY CHECK probably feels this and this (how do you know, did you ask?)

IAccusations instead  (why should you should) instead of an invitation to elaborate further.

Defenses come up instead of admissions, (okay, I can admit this and this is true).

Exercise in Growth:  Try this out for size.

Some one is angry - try and LISTEN and try to UNDERSTAND BEFORE you get your guard up and start defending and attacking, then that growth you guys keep talking about will become real and not just a words.

Oh, and the old just ignore and it'll go away.

You're right it will.

But it will come up again.

And again.

Ang again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

Until it is healed, but it has to be healed INDIVIDUALLY inside each and everyone here.



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« Reply #10 on: March 04, 2007, 03:00:34 PM »
I asked the question earlier, "What is it you wanted to get out of this post?"

You did not answer.

Conflict Resolution 101

Start out with "I" statements, not "you" did this that or the other thing.

What is it YOU feel here?

You have set up an outcome of defensive here by the way you started your thread and the tone.

It's called the War Model method of communication.

Start over?

What do you want us to know about you feel? What outcome would you like to have happen when this is all over?

What should we walk away with going "ah, now I understand, and I will do better at that"?

"All things not at peace will cry out." Han Yun

"He who angers you conquers you." - Elizabeth Kenny


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« Reply #11 on: March 04, 2007, 04:08:26 PM »

try and LISTEN and try to UNDERSTAND BEFORE you get your guard up and start defending and attacking

b]Every one of us is hurt.

Every one of us has pain.

all of us are human.

we may not always express ourselves in the best way.

that is not a requirement for good treatment.


In order for you to be treated well you have to first be good and behave yourself and do the right thing, and you have to do it all the time otherwise you don't  deserve respect and consideration and whatever you get you deserve.

You have set up an outcome of defensive here by the way you started your thread and the tone.

respecftully, no matter how anyone approaches you, you and you only have the choice to decide how you will respond.

You are the only one in control of you.

can I give you an example?

REALITY CHECK, I don't believe that shaming helps anyone, but I can see your point.  I see this _________ and this ________.  We do have this _____________ problem here.  I don't agree with this ___________________ or ____________ this however, but I think we could do a little more of this.  I  feel I can do this more ________.

You want me to be accountable, but you don't seem to want to account for yourself.  That's the issue for everyone here on this board.  Everytime there's a conflict on the board, everyone else starts spouting rules that others should follow.

ULTIMATE LESSON:  stop looking for relief and happiness outside of yourself and look inside of yourself.  stop telling other people what they can do better when you don't do it yourself.  get rid of the double standards and hypocracy.  stop thinking it's okay to hurt people because "I'm right".  IT IS NOT OKAY!


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« Reply #12 on: March 04, 2007, 04:23:57 PM »
my point:

You don't need to be abusive to get your point across.

"All things not at peace will cry out." Han Yun

"He who angers you conquers you." - Elizabeth Kenny


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« Reply #13 on: March 04, 2007, 06:33:59 PM »
I have something to say pro-REALITY CHECK and maybe a bit con

First: Analyzing, instead of an invitation to talk about what's going on.  REALITY CHECK probably feels this and this (how do you know, did you ask?)

I have to agree with this.  Most people don't appreciate someone assuming how they think or feel.  I've seen that over the years for sure.

Secondly: REALITY CHECK stated that EVERYONE here does not want to give account for themselves.  I have to take issue with this. I will be the first one to EXAMINE myself when confronted...maybe not as a first reaction, but after I have time to really look into things, pray, ponder, I'll be quick to come back and make things right in whatever way I can or need to with a person.  Ask my friend Bean.  We both will admit to you that we came to a disagreement ages ago on this board, but we both came together and admitted our shortsightedness with each other, and resolved things in the end.  I love Bean dearly for seeing things through my eyes too, and being willing to work through things.  It truly is a beautiful thing...reconciliation.


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« Reply #14 on: March 04, 2007, 07:00:51 PM »

You're right, I shouldn't have said everyone.  There are plenty of people who self-reflect, but too many people who don't, and they are doing it right now in response to this thread.  It is so frustrating.