Author Topic: Strange Dreams  (Read 1015 times)


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Strange Dreams
« on: March 06, 2007, 08:40:51 AM »
I had a weird dream last night.  I had a dream that it was Christmas Eve.  Everything was decorated (everyone's houses) but like it was a scene from a Macy's Dept Store Widow from 1920- 1930.  It was set up though as it was a German Christmas. I was really pleased and relaxed. I remember looking at the designs and the lights on the houses, lots of animated things in the yards. 
Suddenly the feeling of relaxed was gone in a flash, panic set in realizing I had not gone shopping yet and had to get to the store.  My 12year old son and his friend came with me.
I went into the store (which looked like a Kmart but had no name.  When I was in there I was really upset to find I would have to shop pretty much for anything and not what I really wanted.  I was hoping I could get everyone everything they needed.  I found that most of the shelves were empty and got more upset until I came across a pair of velvet copper colored shorts to the knee. (Ugly) but in my dream I though they were beautiful and needed them.  They were on sale for 9.99 reduced from 16$.  I grabbed them because they were selling out.  I couldn't wait to wear them.  I also grabbed a guitar with a broken box.  I went up to the counter to pay for it all since they were closing and announcing it.  The people at the counter were really rude and took forever to wrap this guitar box over and over and over again with plastic. (No one here plays guitar) I was getting more annoyed since I would have to walk to the front of the store that was very far away to get to where my car was parked and it was night time. So I felt uncomfortable like danger was coming. The girl finished wrapping and told me it was OK to go out the doors behind the counter and I became relaxed again. I told my son and friend lets go hurry up.  Now as I approached the doors I was leaving with a couch and my son was already outside.  I went outside to see my son and friend driving the car in the parking lot.  He’s only 12.  He was racing with some other car.  I did not even know what my car looked like at this time.  I was so mad and trying to catch them on foot.  The other car almost hit mine. Came very close but did not collide.  Instead of me thinking someone was going to get hurt. I was thinking they are going to damage my car. The cars stopped I yelled at my son and friend then looked at my car to see if it was damaged.  Now I could see its color it was a really pretty metallic green and the year was probably from the 60’s.  I got in drove home and was walking up a long staircase to my front door.  (Which I do not have}  I was going to put the key in the door when 2 teenage boys attacked me. I was fighting them off and worried because they wanted my keys to my Big Rig Truck downstairs. Now my car had turned into a big rig. My older son was coming up the stairs behind me and I was screaming for him to get my gun. (I do not own a gun) he handed it to me and I said.  GET THE TRIGGER, THE TRIGGER IS NOT ON IT, it's no good, I can't use it plus I don't know how.  I turned and Reba McIntyre was there (not as a star or singer like a next door neighbor to help) then I woke up. Thank God,
I wonder what the H*ll. 
What was that dream about.  Never had one crazy like that before. 

I must be feeling stressed and it was right after I got off the board that I feel asleep. I do notice that one of the words was trigger.  I wonder if I'm worried about all the triggering of emotions going on lately.
Weird dream
What do you think?
Love Deb


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Re: Strange Dreams
« Reply #1 on: March 06, 2007, 06:52:47 PM »
Naming some of the feelings and "things" you were experiencing: obligation, family, not good enough, cheap, ugly, children, broken, danger, protection, rescue, eliminate, trigger, familiarity and safety (awaken)

You regressed way back in some ways (the old cars, etc.) alot of times we do that in our dreams - our subconscious stores everything - even from way back.

I have always believed that dreams are our "hopes" and our "fears". Seems like you had a lot of fears in this dream but ended with hope.

"All things not at peace will cry out." Han Yun

"He who angers you conquers you." - Elizabeth Kenny


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Re: Strange Dreams
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2007, 07:03:00 PM »
Dear Deb, are you worried about your son? Is it possible that you feel that you are not protecting your son as much as you would like? Just an idea. I am just learning here, beginning to understand a few things. Very little yet. But trying hard to grow up.
God bless.


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Re: Strange Dreams
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2007, 07:24:21 PM »

Wow, I think you might be right. It makes lots of sense to me now how you have worded it.  The Reba McIntyre makes sense now too. I always watch her show and I always sing the part I'm a survivor for the song theme.  Maybe that was symbolic. I was feeling some stress here this week. Thanks Dandy for helping me put this together. It was so bizarre at first.


No I don't think it was about my son at this moment I think Dandy is right it was out of my past like she said I had regressed back. It  is still in my subconscious and it was triggered and came out in my sleep.

You girls are so smart and helpfull.
Thank ya all.

Love Deb