We learned recently that the FIGHT OR FLIGHT syndrome is actually just a fancy name for reacting impulsively from anger or fear. It makes a lot of sense to me.
At this point, I'm wanting to take a flight response, based on anger at having been misunderstood, having a private thing brought to public in order for the other person to gain people's favor against me, and just basically being accused of having intentions I did not have.
I might leave the board for a while and see when it's safe to come back and share my views, struggles, comments again. Or, I might wait till I see some people not be here so often, and figure the coast is then clear. Or maybe I'll lurk a while. I'm not sure what I'll do. I just know that I've found out that it's not a good idea to "notice" and comment on anything out of the ordinary or different than what I'm used to, here on V board.
Tomorrow is a new day that I'm very grateful for.