Ohh, painting's wonderful Write.
You are so creative...music AND art.
If you ever scan one, hope you'll post it.
I'm really sorry your ex took a bite recently. At least that's a validation, not that you needed it. And being who he is, there will come some time when he's not there emotionally for your son. Or even mean. But your son has your love and patience and I think that will carry him through. I know men with perfectly normal father who have
I have thought some about dating. My issue is literally having (making) the time and energy for it. But having my portrait taken by a photographer did help. I also have the impulse, if I use the photo for a profile, to be absolutely unapolagetic about ANYTHING related to appearance. I will not apologize for an extra 15 pounds, for having white hair...none of it. Not one word.
While I haven't ventured out yet, for me that's good news. It's just been a year and a half since my last Nbf, and that really was a sign to hit the Pause button. I'm still hopeful I might find a life partner, but less concerned about it than I've ever been. So when I do find time (heck, right now I'd rather post here than email strangers) -- I think I'll make it fun, instead of the emotional Olympics.
That's new ground for me. If he's way intense, that would be something I don't want right now. An easy, humorous, considerate time? Green flag!
All conjecture at this point, and with work and Mom I feel a bit too overwhelmed. My job is 40 usually nonstop hours a week, often a few more, the commute's a half hour, taking care of dog and Mom another 45 min to an hour, and several hours a week for church involvement...not much left over.
Still, I feel the stirrings of spring.
