I have a compassionate core that expands when I'm at peace, and then I don't feel awful things about my mother.
But at other times I feel exactly what you said, Stormy. I look forward to her passing so I can have this house my dad built all to myself. It's true.
I had a sense of space (I played loud music! I put out a different tablecloth! I MOVED a silver tray!)
during the weeks she was in PT that was intoxicating.
The adjustment back since Friday has been trying, but I feel okay.
I feel guilty not about neglecting her, because I don't....but the greedy and wicked thought about the house--yup. I haven't unpacked my own belongings in so long...imagining being able t do that...
But. Once that day comes, I will find out. And I'll either be staying or going and if I have to go, that will be hard ... but I will make myself happy and cozy somewhere else.
So meanwhile, I need to stay in the present and enjoy my days. My small room is a pleasant place, really. And I do have my dog! (Whom Mom calls her dog, which began right after hers died.)